Faculty of Nursing
Faculty of Nursing
Affinity Community Library [New]
Affinity is a simulation-based learning resource platform which has a Community Library repository of openly licensed, accessible learning scenarios to support training for nursing, paramedics, medical labs, personal support workers, sonographers, and public safety workers.
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 is the default license.
Clinical Nursing Skills (OpenStax) [New]
Clinical Nursing Skills is designed to equip nursing students with the practical knowledge and hands-on skills necessary to provide comprehensive patient care. The material emphasizes the application of clinical judgment in a variety of settings, ensuring that students are prepared to deliver high-quality care across different patient populations and clinical scenarios. The content utilizes concepts promoting the development of clinical judgment by building upon the systematic model developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN). Clinical Nursing Skills provides detailed instructions on basic procedures such as hygiene, mobility, vital signs assessment, medication administration, and wound care. It also guides students through more complex skills, including intravenous therapy, catheterization, tracheostomy care, and emergency interventions. By integrating the Clinical Judgment Measurement Model, the material helps students recognize, analyze, prioritize, create, act, and evaluate outcomes in various clinical situations, fostering critical thinking and clinical decision making. By studying Clinical Nursing Skills, students will gain the confidence and competence needed to perform essential nursing tasks, make informed clinical decisions, and provide compassionate, patient-centered care, which will prepare students for success in their clinical rotations and future professional practice [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, reflection questions, test bank, lecture slides, instructor answer guide, student answer guide
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care
This resource was produced by nursing faculty at BCIT. This text serves a supplementary resource for information about how to perform clinical procedures. The format of the text includes video demonstrations, flowcharts, and checklists to ensure high compliance to protocol. The topics covered include: infection control, patient assessment, patient positioning, wound care, oxygen therapy, medication administration and tubal attachments.
Includes: Critical thinking exercises, flowcharts, video demonstrations, glossary
Licence: CC BY 4.0
The Complete Subjective Health Assessment
Developed by Ryerson University, this textbook deconstructs the categories of the complete subjective health assessment, providing learners with explanations and examples of what constitutes relevant subjective data. This textbook provides an opportunity to learn how to respond to normal, abnormal, and critical findings when completing a complete subjective health assessment. Topics covered include: Subjective Health Assessment, Cultural Safety, and Care Partners
Includes: Quiz, glossary
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Comprehensive Midwifery: The role of the midwife in health care practice, education, and research: An interactive guide to the theory and evidence of practice
The re-emergence of midwifery as a primary health care profession is one of the great stories of Canadian health care systems, but this story has been largely undocumented. This invaluable interactive e-book details the history and philosophy of midwifery, how current midwifery theory and policies are developed, and the role of education and research in advancing the field. We include a special focus on the social determinants of women’s health throughout Canada and the world, the principle of health care as a human right, and the principles and scope of midwifery practice. A must-read for Canadian student midwives and others interested in midwifery (Description from resource). This textbook was written by professors in McMaster’s midwifery program.
Includes: Glossary, case studies
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Clinical Anatomy
This project was created by a team at UBC.
Includes: Videos, interactive modules, atlases, interactive visualizations
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Creative Clinical Teaching in the Health Professions
This peer reviewed text was authored by 3 nursing faculty at Athabasca, in collaboration with various healthcare professionals from many institutions across Canada. The text is centered around patient care activities such as challenging their unconscious assumptions about a patient’s race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and evaluation of learning.
Includes: exercises and critical thinking questions.
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Field Trials of Health Interventions: A Toolbox (Smith, Morrow, & Ross)
This open access book, in its third edition, was published by Oxford University Press. It covers trail design, ethical considerations, governance, grant applications, community engagement, statistics, data management, and reporting.
Includes: Checklists, index
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Fundamental of Nursing (OpenStax) [New]
Fundamentals of Nursing aligns with the outcomes and competencies of a nursing fundamentals course. It is designed to provide students with the foundational knowledge and practical expertise essential for delivering holistic and patient-centered care. The authors emphasize the application of clinical judgment across diverse healthcare environments, ensuring readiness to deliver high-quality, compassionate care in an inclusive and supportive manner. Composed of 43 chapters, Fundamentals of Nursing offers an in-depth exploration of the roles and responsibilities of the nursing profession, the healthcare environment, and the application of critical thinking and evidence-based practice. Fundamentals of Nursing features a variety of engaging and informative resources designed to prepare students for real-world clinical environments. By simulating patient interactions, students develop critical communication skills essential for effective nursing care. Insights from practicing nurses provide real-world perspectives, helping bridge the gap between theory and practice. The offering builds student confidence and competence through its focus on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), inclusion of robust unfolding case studies, and integration of NCLEX practice [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, reflection questions, test bank, lecture slides, instructor answer guide, student answer guide
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Handbook of eHealth Evaluation: An Evidence-based Approach
This text was created at University of Victoria. This handbook presents the science and practice of eHealth evaluation based on empirical evidence gathered over many years within the health informatics discipline. The handbook describes different approaches used to evaluate the planning, design, implementation, use and impact of eHealth systems in different health settings. It also provides a snapshot of the current state of knowledge on the consequences of opting for eHealth systems with respect to their effects and implications on provider performance and health outcomes.
Includes: Figures, case studies
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Health Case Studies
This resource was produced by BCIT’s nursing faculty. It features 8 case studies on a variety of health conditions at various time points. Each case study includes the patient narrative or story that models best practice (at the time of publishing) in healthcare setting.
Includes: Case studies
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Health History Interview: Virtual Gaming Simulation
This virtual gaming simulation was created by a team at Ryerson University for undergraduate nursing students.
Includes: Instructions for the game
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Interpreting Canada’s 2019 Food Guide and Food Labelling for Health Professionals
This resource was created by Ryerson and York University. It covers the legal requirements of food labelling, how to interpret recommendations, and how to integrate the food guide into the nursing process with specific focus on the role of social determinants of health as it relates to the food guide and the nursing process.
Includes: Practice questions, glossary, figures
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Introduction to Communication in Nursing
This textbook was created for nursing students at Ryerson University.
Includes: Glossary, activities
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
The Language of Medical Terminology [New]
The Language of Medical Terminology is an open educational resource (OER) that begins with a focus on the practice of breaking down medical terms into their component parts. This is practiced through the beginning of the book in order to develop a solid foundation on medical term parts, their meaning and how to understand the full meaning behind medical terminology as a whole. The OER then continues onto the use of abbreviations, anatomy and physiology, body systems, common tests and procedures and finishes with content focusing on medical professionals in health care. This OER serves to provide the basic knowledge necessary to work in the health care setting [Description from resource].
Includes: glossary, review exercises
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA
The Language of Medical Terminology II: An Introduction to Pharmacology [New]
The Language of Medical Terminology II is an open educational resource (OER) that focuses on body systems, pathologies, and the medications used to treat those pathologies. Basic principles of pharmacology will be included throughout this OER and organized according to each body system. Review and key concepts will be shared in all chapters. This OER serves to provide the basic knowledge of pharmacology needed to work in the healthcare setting [Description from resource].
Includes: review questions, glossary, abbreviations listings, common suffixes listings, and medications list
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA
Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing
This text was developed by various nursing professionals in Saskatchewan and Canada. The goal was to provide student nurses with the foundational knowledge to meet the leadership challenges found within the ever-changing Canadian health care environment. There is significant indigenous specific content and cultural appropriate practices. Other topics covered include: ethics, managing conflict, evidence informed decision making, labour relations, and nursing leadership.
Includes: Case studies, exercises, activities, research extensions, flowcharts
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Leading Change in Health Systems: Strategies for RN-BSN Students [New]
Leading Change in Health Systems: Strategies for RN-BSN Students is designed for practicing nurses pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This book is focused on building upon previous knowledge, skills and attitudes Registered Nurses (RNs) related to leadership in healthcare systems. Readers will be able to apply the theoretical knowledge gained from this course in their clinical practice environment. [Description from resource]. Note: This resource is an adaptation of Leadership and Influencing Change in Nursing.
Includes: Learning exercises
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Reviews: Available through Open Textbook Library and Merlot.
Learning Primary Midwifery Care
Learning Primary Midwifery Care is an open access package of three online learning modules for midwifery learners and teachers developed by the Ryerson University Midwifery Education Program in collaboration with faculty partners from Laurentian and McMaster Universities.
Includes: Quiz
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).
Literature Reviews for Education and Nursing Graduate Students
This peer reviewed text for graduate students focuses on nursing related literature reviews. The topics covered range from developing a research question to locating and evaluating sources to writing a sample literature review using appropriate publication guidelines.
Includes: Practice questions, online resources
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Maternal-Newborn Nursing (OpenStax) [New]
Maternal-Newborn Nursing introduces students to the concepts and skills related to pregnancy, birth, postpartum, newborn care, reproductive health, and social determinants related to those topics. Written and thoroughly reviewed by experienced nurse educators, the material focuses on patient safety, mental health, and inclusive care, and offers robust real-world scenarios and situational patient education experiences to apply concepts to practice.
Maternal-Newborn Nursing builds on the students’ existing knowledge and skills and expands their learning to new concepts and considerations. Students will be able to implement the Clinical Judgement Measurement Model to recognize, analyze, prioritize, create, act on, and evaluate outcomes throughout the many conditions presented across the life stages. The offering integrates core frameworks such as QSEN, and its robust sets of practice questions, unfolding case studies, and additional resources support the Next Generation NCLEX [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, reflection questions, test bank, lecture slides, instructor answer guide, student answer guide
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Medical-Surgical Nursing (OpenStax) [New]
Medical-Surgical Nursing is a comprehensive and engaging resource for nursing students, equipping them with the essential knowledge and skills required to provide high-quality care. Building on the foundational knowledge and skills acquired in previous nursing courses, this textbook expands students’ learning with concepts in medical-surgical nursing. The offering provides the background to ensure that nursing students are well-versed in both the science and art of nursing, capable of critical thinking, clinical judgment, and compassionate care.
Medical-Surgical Nursing encompasses a broad range of patient-care situations, from managing chronic conditions to providing postoperative care. The material includes concise explanations to facilitate understanding, as well as rich reviews of pathophysiology, ensuring students grasp essential concepts without becoming overwhelmed. Beyond theoretical knowledge, the text emphasizes the development of practical skills and competencies, and incorporates evidence-based best practices into each of its 38 chapters [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, reflection questions, test bank, lecture slides, instructor answer guide, student answer guide
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Multi-Course Case Studies in Health Sciences
While not specific to nursing, this resource is a collection of interconnected multidisciplinary case studies. They have been designed to be used in multiple undergraduate courses so that students can return to them over time from different perspectives and with increasing complexity.
Includes: Family tree, resources for each case study
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Northern and Indigenous Health and Healthcare
This resource has been created by the University of the Arctic Northern Nursing Education Network (NNEN) which includes twelve nursing schools in Canada, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. It is meant to fill the gap of northern and Indigenous health care needs. It provides content on health and health care from a northern perspective for the growing number of health professionals being educated in northern communities. It focuses on community health, social determinants and structural impacts on northern and Indigenous health, culture and health, innovations in northern healthcare, and professional practice in northern and Indigenous communities.
Includes: Reflection questions, case studies
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Nursing Care at the End of Life: What Every Clinician Should Know
Published by SUNY with the goal to foster the necessary skills for nurses to provide compassionate care to individuals who are nearing the end of life and families who are or have experienced the loss of a loved one. This text covers effective interpersonal communication between the patient and clinician at the three stages; anticipation, in the moment, and afterwards. The text provides a basic foundation of death and dying, including models of care and evidenced based approaches.
Includes: Examples, Online resources
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Nursing Pharmacology
This peer reviewed American text was made by several contributors in the Wisconsin Technical College System. It explains basic concepts of pharmacology and describes common medication classes.
Includes: Practice questions, critical thinking activity, answer key, glossary, interactive images
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Nursing Skills
This peer reviewed American textbook was created as part of the Open RN project, and meant to cover physical assessments performed by RNs.
Includes: Learning activities, glossary
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Nutrition for Nurses (OpenStax) [New]
Nutrition for Nurses is structured to support the flexible integration of nutrition content across both system-based and nursing competency-based curricula. It can be used whether nutrition is taught as a standalone course or part of another nursing course. The table of contents for Nutrition for Nurses presents content in 20 chapters, organized into 9 thematic units. The text emphasizes evidence-based practice and holistic assessment to facilitate the integration of nutritional awareness for pre-licensure nursing students in the provision of client-centered care. Nutrition for Nurses helps students develop sound clinical judgment as well as a deep understanding of the impact of nutrition on body systems across the lifespan. Written and reviewed by highly experienced faculty, Nutrition for Nurses includes a detailed narrative, extensive features and learning resources, and ample student support. The presentation utilizes concepts promoting the development of clinical judgment by building upon the systematic model developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, lecture slides
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Open RN Virtual Reality Scenarios (LibreTexts)
This grant funded American project is in the process of creating 25 Virtual Reality scenarios. More information about this project is available.
Includes: Virtual reality
Licence: CC BY 4.0, unless otherwise noted.
Pharmacology for Nurses (OpenStax) [New]
Pharmacology for Nurses is intended for nursing students in an introductory program. It provides a fundamental understanding of the therapeutic use of drugs, so the nurse can provide safe and effective care to the client. Along with a discussion of each body system, the text also reviews the pathophysiology of various disease processes and medications used in treatment. The table of contents presents 40 chapter topics, organized into 11 units. The first unit, consisting of 3 chapters, provides a broad overview of pharmacology, with the following 10 units focused on specific body systems. Pharmacology for Nurses helps students prepare for the licensing exam and their careers by offering applicable, real-life content in short, manageable sections. The material focuses on common client conditions that nurses will encounter throughout their career and embraces a skills orientation (what does a nurse do). The text presents information in a holistic manner that ties the disease process to its pharmacological treatment. As a result, Pharmacology for Nurses will give students the confidence to safely administer medications to clients, as well as provide medication education to clients and their caregivers [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, lecture slides
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Population Health for Nurses (OpenStax) [New]
Population Health for Nurses prepares nurses to develop interventions, policies, and practices that promote health equity and improved health outcomes across the health care delivery continuum. The text emphasizes the social determinants of health and how nurses can plan and implement health promotion and disease prevention interventions. It takes a holistic perspective, connecting human health behavior to the dynamic, ongoing interactions of the person, social factors, and the physical environment in which people are born, live, learn, play, work, and age. OpenStax Population Health for Nurses uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks down content into manageable chunks. It presents the material in 35 chapters, organized into 7 thematic units. The text defines and distinguishes among the interrelated nursing areas of population health, public health, and community health nursing, providing both historical context and up-to-date research to help students make connections across content that can inform practice. The result is a holistic approach that applies theoretical concepts to the practical assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation steps of client care and community-tailored interventions [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, lecture slides
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing (OpenStax) [New]
Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing is designed to support a one-semester psychiatric-mental health nursing course offered at both two-year and four-year institutions. Serving students specializing in psychiatric nursing and those from other health disciplines, this learning resource integrates evidence-based practices with practical strategies for communication, readying students to build therapeutic relationships with patients and caregivers. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing uses a logical, thematic organization that breaks content down into manageable sections. Each unit is designed to foster a deep understanding of the biological, psychological, and social dimensions of mental health. The content helps students make meaningful connections between various psychiatric conditions and the corresponding nursing approaches. By focusing on tailored psychiatric interventions and emphasizing patient-centered approaches, Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing equips students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate diverse mental health settings [Description from resource].
Includes: key terms, review questions, reflection questions, test bank, lecture slides, instructor answer guide, student answer guide
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Public Health Ethics: Cases Spanning the Globe (Barrett, Dawson, Ortmann) (LibreTexts)
This LibreTexts resource was authored by researchers at the CDC, the University of Sydney, and the Pan American Health Organization. It covers global public health ethics.
Includes: Cases
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide (Brandon Edition)
Authored by the Manitoba Foundations Group, it is the first Manitoba adaptation of an open professional learning series developed for staff across post-secondary institutions. This resource does not focus on nursing or health, but rather is intended to support professional learning of staff and students. Its focus is on the Brandon area.
Includes: Glossary, videos, activities, reflection questions
Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0
The Scholarship of Writing in Nursing Education: 1st Canadian Edition
This resource was created by Ryerson University, designed for students in undergraduate nursing programs.
Includes: Videos, podcasts
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities & Mental Illness
This multidisciplinary resource develops topics of interest to all those who care about and for individuals with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Each chapter presents current evidence informed practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with audio enabled text boxes emphasizing ‘Key Points for Caregivers.’ For those who are interested in background knowledge, there is a comprehensive literature base provided.
Includes: Audio book, online tools, research studies
Licence: CC BY 4.0
Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice [New]
This third edition of Toward a Moral Horizon: Nursing Ethics for Leadership and Practice will assist nurses and all health care providers to take up the challenge of embedding ethics in health care practice, education, research, and policy at all levels—from local to regional to global. [Description from resource].
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA
Vaccine Practice for Health Professionals: 1st Canadian Edition
This text was created primarily for nursing students. It is intended to guide best practices in vaccine delivery in Canada. This textbook provides information related to clinical practice, including the administration of vaccines, and communication with clients.
Includes: Videos, case studies, practice questions, glossary, figures
Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0
Vital Sign Measurement Across the Lifespan – 1st Canadian Edition
This text was developed by Ryerson University. The purpose of this textbook is to help learners develop best practices in vital sign measurement. Using a multi-media approach, it will provide opportunities to read about, observe, practice, and test vital sign measurement.
Includes: Videos, problem sets, solutions, flowcharts, printable flashcards
Licence: CC BY 4.0
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