
Faculty of Social Work

Faculty of Social Work

Canadian Settlement in Action: History and Future [New]

The eight chapters of this book encapsulate the past, present, and future of Canadian immigration and settlement. The topics, in part, cover the history of immigration to Canada through an objective lens that allows readers to learn what transpired with the settlement of specific ethnic groups, as well as address Canada’s current policies and approaches to immigration. This leads to an exploration of the challenges that newcomers to Canada and the settlement sector are encountering today. Readers and learners of settlement studies will embark on a journey of self-reflection throughout this book as they engage in many activities, quizzes, and interactions which may be self-directed or instructor led [Description from resource].

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Decolonizing Pathways towards Integrative Healing in Social Work

This open access text considers integrative healing from the decolonizing perspective, drawing from the traditional knowledge and stories of Indigenous peoples.

Includes: Discussion guide

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

Foundations of Social Work Research

Introductory text on research methods in social work.

Includes: Practice behaviour index, key takeaways, glossary, list of links by chapter, accessibility rubric

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Graduate Research Methods in Social Work: A Project-Based Approach

This textbook is aimed at graduate-level social work students. It provides an introduction to the research process, with a focus on ethics and values.

Includes: Glossary, workbook, quiz bank, sample assignments

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Guidebook for Social Work Literature Reviews and Research Questions

Short guidebook providing an overview of literature-based research in social work.

Includes: List of links by chapter, accessibility rubric

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Historical and Contemporary Realities: Movement Towards Reconciliation

The idea behind the creation of this open textbook is twofold. First, it is written as a resource for educators to teach students about the Indigenous historical significance of the lands encompassing the Robinson-Huron Treaty area and more specifically the Greater Sudbury and Manitoulin area. Secondly, through the use of interactive mapping strategies, the textbook will serve as a guide for educators to develop a similar resource to document Indigenous stories from their own areas. This open textbook is designed to be used at an introductory level to teach about social welfare issues within the Honours Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work program situated in the School of Indigenous Relations at Laurentian University. The material contained within this open textbook is broad enough that it can be used in other disciplines – sociology, education, law and justice, architecture, etc.. This text consists of six chapters. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the gathering of Indigenous stories and their historical significance within the Greater Sudbury area. Chapters 2 – 5 are structured using the medicine wheel as its framework. Finally, Chapter 6 focuses on braiding Indigenous and Western approaches (Description from resource).

Includes: Learning activities, resources for more learning, maps

Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Volume I

This discusses biopsychosocial, sociocultural, and social change dimensions of behaviour, as well as information on human development from the prenatal period through late adulthood.

Includes: Recommended videos

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Human Behavior in the Social Environment: Volume II

This discusses biopsychosocial, sociocultural, and social change dimensions of behaviour, as well as information on human development from the prenatal period through late adulthood.

Includes: Recommended videos

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Immigrant and Refugee Families: Global Perspectives on Displacement and Resettlement Experiences, 2nd Edition

Offers an interdisciplinary perspective on immigrant and refugee families, including the areas of economics, politics, health, and human rights. Reviews are available.

Includes: Case studies, videos

Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Introduction to Social Work (Gladden et al.) (LibreText)

This book was written by MSW students to provide an overview of topics in social work, including in child welfare, health, criminal justice, and services to the elderly.

Includes: Terms lists, case studies

Licence: CC BY 4.0

Licence: Licenses vary, please refer to each resource for license information

Principles of Social Psychology

This social work text has been positively reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in social psychology.

Includes: Index, glossary, exercises

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Reciprocal Relationships and Well-being: Implications for Social Work and Social Policy

This open access title includes chapters from Canada, the US, the UK, Finland, and Austria. It provides an overview of social policy and social care practices relevant to reciprocity.

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

Scientific Inquiry in Social Work

This social work text has been positively reviewed. It covers introductory concepts in scientific inquiry with a social work perspective, from ethics to sampling.

Includes: Instructor resources, student resources, summaries, real-world applications

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Social Work, Sociometry, and Psychodrama: Experiential Approaches for Group Therapists, Community Leaders, and Social Workers

Published by Springer, this open access text focuses on the intersection of social work with psychodrama, discussing how this approach can be used in trauma-informed practice.

Licence: CC BY 4.0

The Service User as a Partner in Social Work Projects and Education

This open access anthology describes projects and courses in which service users have been involved.

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

Wellbeing, Freedom, and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-examined

This book provides an in-depth examination of the capability approach, including a discussion of common critiques.

Licence: CC BY 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

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OER by Discipline Guide: University of Calgary Copyright © 2022 by Sarah Adams with Libraries and Cultural Resources OER Support Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.