
Cumming School of Medicine

Department of Radiology (Clinical)

Affinity Community Library [New]

Affinity is a simulation-based learning resource platform which has a Community Library repository of openly licensed, accessible learning scenarios to support training for nursing, paramedics, medical labs, personal support workers, sonographers, and public safety workers.

Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 is the default license.

Undergraduate Diagnostic Imaging Fundamentals

Diagnostic Imaging principles and concepts are augmented by the presentation of images for common clinical conditions. Guiding principles related to minimizing radiation exposure and requesting the most appropriate imaging examination are addressed. Static images are enhanced by the ability to access images stored and displayed on an Html-5 compatible, Dicom image viewer that simulates a simple Picture Archive and Communication system (PACS). Users can also access other imaging from the Dicom viewer (ODIN), beyond the basic curriculum provided, to further advance their experience with viewing diagnostic imaging pathologies.

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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OER by Discipline Guide: University of Calgary Copyright © 2022 by Sarah Adams with Libraries and Cultural Resources OER Support Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.