
Schulich School of Engineering

Department of Electrical & Software Engineering

Electrical Engineering

All About Circuts

This free electrical engineering textbook provides a series of volumes covering electricity and electronics. The information provided is great for students, makers, and professionals who are looking to refresh or expand their knowledge in this field.

Licence: GNU Design Science License

Continuous-Time Signals and Systems

This textbook covers continuous-time signals and systems at an introductory level appropriate for undergraduate students. This textbook has been used by the author at the University of Victoria to teach a number of undergraduate courses on continuous-time signals and systems.

Includes: accompanying lecture slides.

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

Digital Circuit Projects: An Overview of Digital Circuits Through Implementing Integrated Circuits

Digital circuits, often called Integrated Circuits or ICs, are the central building blocks of a Central Processing Unit (CPU). To understand how a computer works, it is essential to understand the digital circuits which make up the CPU. This text introduces the most important of these digital circuits; adders, decoders, multiplexers, D flip-flops, and simple state machines.

Licence: CC BY 4.0

Electrical Engineering (LibreTexts)

An online electrical engineering textbook made available by LibreTexts.

Licence: CC BY

Exploring Microcontrollers

A website looking at microcontrollers.

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0

Public Domain Books Relating to Instrumentation

Although these textbooks are quite old, and some of the techniques described therein obsolete, these texts hold much practical value to the modern technician and engineer of instrumentation.

Licence: Listed resources are in the Public Domain.

Software Engineering

A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB

Specifically designed for students with no programming experience, the strategic goal of the course and book is to provide learners with an appreciation for the role computation plays in solving engineering problems.

Includes: study guide, problem sets.

Licence: CC BY

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