
Werklund School of Education

Indigenous Education and Languages

Indigenous Education

Indigenous Information Literacy

This book outlines best principles for working with Indigenous print and oral sources in academic research. Topics include evaluating Indigenous print sources for credibility and authenticity, finding Indigenous authors, and respectfully working with Elders.

Includes: Reflection exercises

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 1

From the description, this book 1 of 2 is “far more than a set of research papers or curriculum studies. The project outputs include both, but they are incorporated into a theoretical structure that can provide the methodological basis for future efforts that attempt to develop culturally responsive Indigenous Science curricula in home places.” There is a focus on Northwestern North America.

Includes: Appendices, examples, selected resources

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Reviews: Available through Campus Manitoba

Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science, Book 2

From the description, this book 2 of 2 is “far more than a set of research papers or curriculum studies. The project outputs include both, but they are incorporated into a theoretical structure that can provide the methodological basis for future efforts that attempt to develop culturally responsive Indigenous Science curricula in home places.” There is a focus on Northwestern North America.

Includes: Appendices, examples, selected resources

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Pulling Together

Pulling Together guides are the result of the Indigenization Project, a collaboration between BCcampus and the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. The project was supported by a steering committee of Indigenous education leaders from BC universities, colleges, and institutes, the First Nations Education Steering Committee, the Indigenous Adult and Higher Learning Association, and Métis Nation BC. These guides are intended to support the systemic change occurring across post-secondary institutions through Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation.

The editions likely to be of most interest in the Faculty of Education include Pulling Together: A Guide for Teachers and Instructors, and Pulling Together: Manitoba Foundations Guide (Brandon Edition).

Licence: CC BY-NC

Indigenous Languages

Cree: Language of the Plains / nēhiyawēwin: paskwāwi-pīkiskwēwin

Cree: Language of the Plains is a comprehensive educational resource, offering a broad range of learning materials that is easily accessible to Cree language learners. This collection includes an updated and redesigned Cree language textbook, Cree language audio labs, and a Cree language workbook.

Licence: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Note: This is an open access text which restricts remixing and adapting).

First Voices Languages

This is an online space for Indigenous communities to share and promote language, oral culture and linguistic history. Language teams work with elders to curate and upload audio recordings, dictionaries, songs and stories. Some of this content is shared with community members only, and some is shared with the broader public.

Licence: Note that the copyright holder has made the content on the website available to use online, however they are not openly licence.

Little Cree Books

The Little Cree Books Project publishes short books for beginning readers in Swampy and Plains Cree.

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA, unless otherwise noted

Ojibwe People’s Dictionary

This online dictionary can be browsed or searched, and currently contains 17,000 word entries.

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA is applied to most of the website; however, some videos, photographs, and contributed materials are copyrighted. Please refer to individual resource licence information.

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