
Schulich School of Engineering

Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

Chemical Engineering

Chemical Engineering Separations: A Handbook for Students

This handbook is intended for use by undergraduate students who are taking a course in chemical engineering separations. It assumes that students have taken one or two semesters of chemical engineering thermodynamics, one semester of heat and mass transfer, and one semester of computational methods for chemical engineering.

Licence: CC BY-NC

Inorganic Chemistry for Chemical Engineers

This textbook has been specifically adapted for CHEM 250, an interdisciplinary inorganic chemistry course at UBC-V, for Chemical Engineering students. The main objective of this book is to introduce students to the basic principles of inorganic chemistry and link them with current applications relevant to a chemical engineer.

Licence: CC BY

Learn ChemE

LearnChemE features chemical engineering education resources produced by the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU).  These all inclusive digital OneNote notebook files containing class notes, ConcepTests, pre-class assignments, recommended screencasts and simulations, homework problems, sample exams and resources about active learning methods. 

Licence: CC BY-SA

Phase Relations

This open textbook provides an overview of the central role that phase behaviour plays in the petroleum extraction processes. Readers should be able to describe, in concrete terms, how knowledge of fluid phase behaviour impacts specific aspects of the process design and/or operations.

Includes: diagrams, problem sets.

Licence: CC BY

Energy Engineering

Direct Energy

Direct Energy Conversion discusses both the physics behind energy conversion processes and a wide variety of energy conversion devices. A direct energy conversion process converts one form of energy to another through a single process. The first half of this book surveys multiple devices that convert to or from electricity including piezoelectric devices, antennas, solar cells, light emitting diodes, lasers, thermoelectric devices, and batteries. In these chapters, physical effects are discussed, terminology used by engineers in the discipline is introduced, and insights into material selection is studied. The second part of this book puts concepts of energy conversion in a more abstract framework. These chapters introduce the idea of calculus of variations and illuminate relationships between energy conversion processes.

Licence: CC BY-NC 4.0

Future Energy: Opportunities & Challenges

How can we produce enough sustainable energy while avoiding unacceptable environmental consequences? To evaluate the various energy options, we must understand the science of each potential energy source and energy use technology. This book presents the science in an easy-to-understand way to enable readers to make informed decisions about what is possible and practical, and to choose lifestyle options to implement in their personal lives (Description from resource).

Licence: CC BY 4.0

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