
Werklund School of Education

Elementary and Secondary Education

Elementary Education

Arts Integration in Elementary Curriculum: 2nd Edition

This textbook covers arts integration, music, visual arts, literary arts, performing arts, and physical education and movement.

Includes: Suggested activities and technology, sample lesson plans, lecture slides

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Elementary Earth and Space Science Methods

Though this text from the University of Iowa focuses on their curriculum standards, local instructors may appreciate the organization of the textbook, as well as ideas covered.

Includes: Vocabulary, reflections, lesson plans

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Future Teachers Storytelling [New]

This is the second entry in the Humanizing Science through STEM and the Arts (STEAM) interdisciplinary project. For this series, we collaborated with a cohort of future teachers in a science methods class who were majoring in Early Childhood Education. The future teachers authored stories for children inspired by Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer, and then read them aloud as part of a giving-back, service-learning activity. [Description from resource].

Licence: CC BY-NC

Global Digital Library

The goal of the Global Book Alliance is therefore to provide access to free, high-quality, early grade reading resources in languages that children use and understand. As a flagship activity within the Global Book Alliance, the Global Digital Library (GDL) has been developed to increase the availability of high-quality reading resources in underserved languages worldwide.

Licence: Various CC licences

Mathematics for Elementary Teachers

This book from the University of Hawaii is used to teach math for education students. This book aims to help readers understand elementary mathematics more deeply, gain facility with creating and using mathematical notation, develop a habit of looking for reasons and creating mathematical explanations, and become more comfortable exploring unfamiliar mathematical situations.

Includes: Activities, examples, and problems bank

Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0

Reviews: Available through the Open Textbook Library

Methods of Teaching Early Literacy [New]

This textbook covers theories, teaching strategies, and instructional materials pertinent to teaching reading and writing in grades PK-3, with an emphasis on integrating reading, writing, speaking, and listening, as well as integration across content areas while addressing diversity and inclusion. [Description from resource].

Licence: CC BY


A digital repository of multilingual stories for children from Pratham Books so every child can have access to an endless stream of stories in her mother tongue to read and enjoy.

Licence: Various CC licences

Secondary Education

Supporting Secondary Teachers’ Critical Disciplinary Literacies [New]

The outcome of a course-wide open pedagogy project, this textbook contains a series of lesson plans co-created with students in the course EDUC 395: Teaching Disciplinary Literacy and supported by CDL experts. Specifically, the book offers accessible, research-based multidisciplinary CDL strategies ready for implementation in secondary school classrooms. [Description from resource]

Licence: CC BY-NC-SA

Reviews: Available through Open Textbook Library

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