Einheit 8: Mein Zuhause
Learning Outcomes
At the end of Einheit 8, you will be able to…
- compare different types of typical housing in Canada and Germany
- identify the rooms in a house or apartment
- describe the furniture in a room
- talk about the location or placing of objects in a room using the appropriate prepositions
- understand abbreviations and cultural intricacies in apartment ads
- make an appointment to view an apartment, ask further questions, and obtain details
- identify and describe some features of UNESCO world heritage sites, in particular the Siedlungen der Berliner Moderne (Berlin Modernism Housing Estates)
You will also have learned about the following structures:
- compound nouns
- two-way prepositions
Please print the vocabulary PDF for this unit and add other words that you learn/look up throughout the unit. You can also translate the words provided into your "Muttersprache" if it is not English.
Media Attributions
- pdf © IO-Images is licensed under a Public Domain license
first language / mother tongue