
Einheit 4.2 (online)

Das Frühstück

breakfast table with all types of cheese, sausage, bread, etc
a very formal breakfast table with meats, cheeses and breads
“Frühstücken wie ein Kaiser, Mittagessen wie ein König und Abendessen wie ein Bettler.”

This old German saying indicates that breakfast is considered a very important meal in the German-speaking countries. About three quarters of the population eat breakfast every morning (81% in Germany, 77% in Austria, 65% in Switzerland). The word Frühstück can be traced back to the 15th century and means something like the first piece of bread that is eaten in the morning. The English equivalent “breakfast” refers to breaking the nightly fast.

Most people think eating breakfast provides them with energy to start their day, helps them to concentrate on their work or studies, and to perform well. Many people also see it as a social opportunity to spend time with their family before a busy workday while others spend some time reading the newspaper, checking emails, or planning their days.

The most common beverage at breakfast is coffee and tea for adults, whereas children usually drink milk, cocoa, juice or water. Bread or rolls, butter, jam, honey, Nutella, cold cuts, cheese, fruit and cereal are the staple of most breakfasts. Some people only eat sweet things for breakfast (jam, honey, Nutella, cereal), while others prefer more savoury toppings for their bread. And yet others like to mix. On the weekend, people often take more time for their breakfast or even extend it into a brunch, and add eggs in various forms to their meal.

See the videos in the “Zum Spaß” section for more information about “Frühstück”.

H5P activity icon Übung 1. Ziehen Sie die Substantive auf den richtigen Artikel.



While it is always important to learn the gender of every noun, we have encountered situations where we don’t use an article. Remember sentences like these:

Maren ist Studentin. 

Luca ist Deutscher. 

Nicole ist Politikerin.

In this unit, you will also notice that we typically don’t use an aricle with food and beverages.

Zum Frühstück isst Maren gern Brot, Eier und Obst. 

Normalerweise trinke ich Kaffee oder Apfelsaft zum Frühstück. 

There may be circumstances where using the article is useful. Remember to pay attention to case when using the article! 

Luca möchte einen schwarzen Kaffee trinken.

reading icon So frühstückt Deutschland: Die Nutella Frühstücksstudie 2015 zeigt uns, wie Leute in Deutschland ihren Tag beginnenNutella)

listening icon Mein Tagesablauf. Hören Sie zu und beantworten Sie die Fragen.

Rolf is an older gentleman with grey hair and a grey moustache. Marita is an older woman with grey hair and glasses.

Rolf und Marita

young man with short light brown hair smiling and wearing a read hoodie


grammar icon Grammatik

Reflexive Pronouns in the Accusative

Please work through the following presentation to learn about reflexive pronouns in the accusative.

Reflexive Pronouns in the Accusative

H5P activity icon Übung 2

writing icon Was machen Sie an einem typischen Tag? Schreiben Sie 5 Sätze über Ihren Tagesablauf und bringen Sie die Sätze mit in die nächste Deutschstunde.


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Extra Practice (optional):

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If you want to practice vocabulary from todays lesson, click on the topic below. Watch the video and then click on “start” under the video and do the exercises.

Daily routine


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