
Einheit 6.2 (online)

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reading icon Was machen wir dieses Semester? Read the course syllabus on eClass.


H5P activity icon Aufforderungen Wiederholung. Throughout Einheit 6-10 almost all instructions will be in German. Here is a quick activity to help you review or learn some common instructions. Click on the correct answer.


reading icon Was wissen Sie schon? Here are two very thorough PDFs to help you review word order and cases.

Word Order

Cases in German


*Achtung* For fill in the blank activities that correct automatically in this e-textbook, you can correct an incorrect answer right away by continuing to type in the “red” box. 

H5P activity icon Einheit 1 – 5 Wiederholung. Here is a short review of material from last semester. Remember that you can easily review material by using the Grammatik section in the back matter. 

Jetzt beginnen wir Einheit 6! Sie brauchen den Wortschatz für das Quiz.


presentation icon Auf einer Reise. Hören und lesen Sie die neuen Vokabeln.

H5P activity icon Übung 1: Wortschatz Wiederholung.
Ergänzen Sie die fehlenden Wörter. Hier sind Sonderzeichen zum Kopieren und Einfügen: ä ö ü ß

external link icon Wortschatz in Quizlet:

Auf einer Reise


Quiz icon Was wissen Sie jetzt? Klicken Sie hier für Quiz 6.2.

oral presentation icon Wer bin ich: 5 Dinge über mich. Introduce yourself in a short selfie video. Tell us 5 interesting things about you and make sure to also tell us a little about your travel history, since that is the theme of this unit. For example: Wohin möchten Sie gern reisen? Wo waren Sie schon mal?, etc. Please do it in one take and do not “edit” your video. Do not read off a script. Post your video on eClass. Watch the videos of at least 3 fellow students that you didn’t meet last semester. Leave them a comment or even a follow-up question. Let’s get to know each other!

This activity will be assessed according to this Rubric

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Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Willkommen: Deutsch für alle Copyright © 2020 by Claudia Kost and Crystal Sawatzky is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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