Einheit 6.14 (online)
Mini-Composition: Mein Reiseblog
Imagine that you write a popular travel blog. You just got back from your time away at a wellness hotel in Austria and want to tell your readers all about it. Using the hotels from Task 6 (Einheit 6.13) write a blog entry about your time away. Make sure to write about why you chose the hotel you did, what you did while you were there, what were the pros and cons of the hotel and if you would recommend it to your readers. Make sure to also mention how you got there and the pros and cons of that mode of transportation. Please write a minimum of 120 words.
The composition will be assessed according to this Rubric.
Es gibt kein Quiz für 6.14.
Extra Practice (optional):
Meet the Germans
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- laptop-4840790_1280 © bossytutu is licensed under a Public Domain license
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- check mark © janjf93 adapted by Solomon Hajramezan is licensed under a Public Domain license
- play © IO-Images is licensed under a Public Domain license