
grammar icon  Grammatik

For quick reference, all grammar structures are listed here (linked back to the appropriate unit or directly to a PDF).

Nouns and Pronouns:

Personal pronouns 1.8

Grammatical Gender: Nouns and Pronouns 1.10

False Friends 1.10

Negation with “kein” 2.2

Plural forms of nouns 2.2

Definite and indefinite articles 2.2

Possessive determiners: 2.4 3.4

Dieser/jeder/welcher 3.6

Possessive determiners in the accusative 3.12

Personal pronouns in the accusative 3.14

Reflexive pronouns in the accusative 4.2

Personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns in the dative 5.8

Compound Nouns 8.4

Relative Clauses 9.10

Masculine n-nouns 10.6



“Sie”-imperative 1.4

“Du“-imperative 4.4

Conjugation of “sein” and “haben” 1.8

Conjugation of verbs (1) 1.8

Conjugation of verbs (2) 2.8

Expressing likes and dislikes: “gern“/“nicht gern“/“auch gern“ 2.8

Separable-prefix verbs 2.12

Stem-vowel changing verbs 2.12

möchten 3.10

Modal Verbs: können, wollen, müssen 4.4

Modal Verbs: dürfen, sollen, mögen 4.6

Perfect Tense 1 5.2

Perfect Tense 2 5.4

Simple past tense: “haben” and “sein” 5.4

Future tense 9.12

wissen vs. kennen 10.2

Verb Conjugation (review) 10.4

List of common strong (irregular) verbs



Cases: The nominative 2.4

Cases: The accusative 3.8

Cases: The dative 5.8

Cases in German (review) 6.2



Coordinating conjunctions 2.6

Subordinating conjunction “weil” 3.4

Subordinating conjunctions weil, wenn, dass, ob 4.8

Als, wenn, wann 7.8



Adjective endings in nominative 3.6

Adjective endings in accusative 3.10

Adjective endings in dative 5.10

Comparative and Superlative 6.4

Adjective endings 9.6

Adjective ending chart PDF (review)


Accusative prepositions 6.12

Prepositions for giving directions 7.4

Dative prepositions 7.6

Two-Way Prepositions I (dative) 8.6

Two-Way Prepositions II (accusative) 8.8

List of prepositions (and corresponding cases)


Other concepts:

Word Order in Statements 2.4

Telling Time 2.6

Word Order in Questions 2.6

Question words: wer, wen, wem 2.6/3.8/5.8

Adverbs of time 5.2

Ordinal Numbers 5.6

Word order (Einheit 1-5) (review) 6.2

Articles, Cases, Prepositions & Contractions (review)


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