30 Listening
Before You Listen
Complete these pre-listening activities to help you identify how familiarity or lack of familiarity, as well as status in a community, can influence how people filter their own thoughts and expect others to respect boundaries on topics and space.
Social Conventions Around Boundaries and Filters 
Sometimes, we let boundaries change depending on the situation (context) and on the person who we are speaking with. Imagine a community conversation among neighbours, such as a town hall meeting. This is a familiar public context. In this situation, what boundaries would different people experience or perceive? Who would likely say exactly what they think and who is more likely to use a filter?
For each of the people listed, place a number on the line above the description that, in your opinion, matches that person best.
- A rich person in the community
- A person who has lived in the community for many years
- A newcomer to the community
- A senior citizen
- A teenager
- A five-year-old child
- An expert on the topic of the meeting
- The elected community leader
Discuss why everybody doesn’t use the same filters. What other situations or contexts change how people use filters?
In this chapter, some words have multiple meanings. The pronunciation and spelling are the same, but the meanings may be slightly different or not at all the same.
1. The word APPEAL has several meanings. In each sentence below, indicate the words that could be replaced by APPEAL.
a) When Kerry’s tires were slashed, Roshan felt he had to make a sincere request to his parents for money.
b) Leftover food garbage might be attractive to bears in the area.
c) The music that might sound interesting to Roshan might not be the same music that Ivan likes.
d) The moderator is going to receive Randa’s demand for an apology after removing her SpaceBook post.
2. The word SENSITIVE has several meanings. In each sentence below, indicate the words that could be replaced by SENSITIVE.
a) Roshan is someone who notices and cares about other people’s feelings.
b) Ivan is easily bothered.
c) Bears have a very perceptive sense of smell; they can smell things from very far away.
d) Claire doesn’t wear lotions because her skin is easily irritated and she could get a rash.
e) Gilles has to protect very important and private information about the folk musicians
You will hear conversations in which many opinions are shared.
Predict the answers to these questions before you listen:
- In Listening 1, we will hear Oksana, Ivan, Gilles, and Roshan give opinions in a familiar public context. What boundaries or filters do you predict each speaker will have?
- In Listening 2, we will hear Oksana and Ivan giving opinions in a private context. Will their boundaries or filters be the same or different than in Listening 1? In what ways might their filters change?
- How will neighbours communicate opinions and feelings similarly to, or different from, the way a married couple does?
- How do you think different filters and boundaries will affect the relationships these characters have? Who might be comfortable or uncomfortable with different filter levels? How will the speakers respond to different levels of honesty or filtering?
Listening 1
Listen to a conversation between Gilles, Ivan, and Roshan in a public place. Notice that these people don’t all share the same level of familiarity with each other. They don’t filter their thoughts according to the same boundaries, either.
After You Listen
Complete the activities below to check your listening comprehension. These strategies focus on ideas and pay attention to exact words.
Strategy 1: Recognizing Facts 
Listen again.
Select True (T) or False (F) for each statement below.
- How do you know it is true or false? Be ready to discuss evidence to support your answers.
T | F | 1. Oksana wants Ivan to apologize for breaking something in the office. |
T | F | 2. Oksana is embarrassed by some of the things Ivan says and does. |
T | F | 3. Ivan thinks Roshan is too inexperienced to have an opinion about folk music. |
T | F | 4. Ivan has experience in folk music. |
T | F | 5. Ivan, Gilles, and Roshan use the same words to describe The Ian and Sylvia Revival’s style. |
T | F | 6. Roshan thinks The Ian and Sylvia Revival sound personal and sincere. |
T | F | 7. Gilles thinks The Ian and Sylvia Revival are sincere. |
T | F | 8. Ivan filters all his opinions about the bands. |
Strategy 2: Retelling Details 
Choose the best answer. Some questions have more than one correct answer.
1. Gilles says, “We want both a … seasoned … and a … fresh … perspective on all these musicians.” He means
a) we want to make sure we get new perspectives for this season’s festival
b) we want an old and a young perspective on the music
c) we want a more-experienced and a less-experienced perspective on the musicians
d) we want only the most-experienced perspectives on the musicians
2. Ivan says, “Ugh, they’re depressing.” The words Gilles and Roshan say that mean the same as “depressing” are
a) moody
b) dark
c) pessimistic
d) distant
3. Gilles says, “Like, they’re a little too distant.” A word that Roshan or Ivan says that means the opposite of “distant” is
a) ignore
b) sincere
c) disrespectful
d) appealing
4. Ivan says, “Makes me want to jump off a cliff.” He means
a) he really enjoyed the band
b) he finds the music very appealing
c) he did not enjoy the music at all
d) he wants to jump and dance to the music
5. Gilles says, “This is a personal call. I should take this outside.” It is most likely that
a) Gilles will not share the conversation with Roshan and Ivan later
b) Gilles won’t mind if Ivan or Roshan listens to the conversation
c) Roshan or Ivan should ask Gilles about the conversation later
d) Gilles is talking about private or sensitive things
Listening 2
Listen to a couple who know each other intimately. Notice how directly they express their opinions and feelings.
After You Listen
Strategy: Identifying Details 
Select all of the correct answers to complete each sentence below.
1. Oksana wants Ivan to lower his voice because
a) Ivan and Oksana are in a public space
b) Ivan and Oksana are in a private space
c) Ivan is not filtering his thoughts, opinions, or emotions
d) Ivan is sharing very intimate information
2. Oksana thinks the real reason Ivan is upset is because
a) Gilles doesn’t care about bees
b) Gilles took down the posters
c) Gilles is using pesticides to kill bees at the festival
d) Gilles didn’t tell Ivan he was taking down the posters
3. Oksana thinks Ivan crossed the line when
a) he told a really funny joke at a dinner party
b) he said Mrs. Wong’s cookies were bad
c) he put up pesticide posters on the festival grounds
d) he told an offensive joke at a dinner party
4. Oksana says that if somebody can hear her private conversation with Ivan, she will
a) take the person out for coffee
b) change the topic
c) speak more quietly
d) include the person in their conversation
5. Oksana advises Ivan to explain his feelings to Gilles
a) in an intimate space
b) in a private or personal space
c) in a familiar public space
d) in a distant public space
6. Oksana thinks that talking to Gilles without a filter or in a public space will
a) help Ivan get Gilles’ respect
b) hurt Ivan’s relationship with Gilles
c) offend or embarrass Gilles
d) show Gilles that Ivan is very sincere about bees
Strategy: Recognizing Cognates, or Word Families 
Select the best answer to complete each sentence below.
1. Ivan thinks that he is being _______________________.
a) censored
b) censorship
c) censor
d) uncensored
2. Depending on the kind of language people use to describe the musicians, bloggers and journalists will have to ______________________ the comments for the public.
a) censored
b) censorship
c) censor
d) uncensored
3. Having many positive ___________________ of the folk festival is important to attracting more audience members for the next year.
a) review
b) reviewer
c) reviews
d) reviewable
4. It’s likely there will be at least one __________________ at the folk festival who will write something about the bands and singers.
a) review
b) reviewer
c) reviews
d) reviewable
5. Ivan was worried about the electric poles being put up along the ______________ between his property and Claire’s property.
a) boundary
b) boundaries
c) bound
d) unbound
6. Oksana wishes her husband Ivan would show more respect for people’s personal ______________.
a) boundary
b) boundaries
c) bound
d) unbound
Listening 1 is a public conversation. Listening 2 is private dialogue.
NOTICE that there are some topics that Gilles and Oksana do not feel comfortable discussing.
Which topics do they avoid?
How do they respond when an uncomfortable topic is raised? Why do you think this is?
FIND an example of
- Gilles, Ivan, and Roshan saying the same thing but with different levels of directness
- someone filtering an opinion and someone not filtering an opinion
- someone not giving an opinion or sharing feelings at all.
What reasons might these people have for filtering or not filtering?
FIND examples of someone crossing personal boundaries in space or topic.
IDENTIFY the responses.
How did the person feel? How might the response help or hurt a relationship?
Do you agree that a boundary was crossed? Why?
DISCUSS Ivan’s and Gilles’ different perceptions of Roshan’s musical “expertise.”
Who seems most willing to hear Roshan’s opinions?
How comfortable does Roshan seem giving his opinions?
How much or how little is Roshan filtering his opinions and feelings?
Do you agree more with Ivan’s or Gilles’ opinion of including Roshan in the discussion? Why?
DISCUSS Roshan’s, Gilles’, and Oksana’s responses to Ivan.
Who is made the most upset or uncomfortable by his unfiltered comments? Who doesn’t seem bothered? Why do you think so? Who do you agree with?
NOTICE that Gilles leaves the public meeting to take a phone call in private. This phone call takes place in Gilles’ intimate space.
IDENTIFY the public, private, or intimate spaces where Gilles, Ivan, and Oksana choose to have conversations.
What topics are they comfortable talking about with unfamiliar or familiar people?
Why does it matter where conversations take place?
THINK about your relationships outside English class.
TALK ABOUT who is direct with you and who seems to filter.
Is there anyone you know who does not share their feelings or opinions at all? How does this make you feel?
TALK about how people in your community share space and information.
How much space do people give each other? Are there any behaviours that surprise you or make you uncomfortable? How do you respond?
Where do conversations about difficult or negative information, strong opinions, or feelings happen? Why?
How can public and private locations affect conversations and relationships? How do you feel if someone discusses personal topics in a more public context?
Listening Progress Check
Test your understanding of social conventions around filtering opinions by listening to a public conversation.
Answer the questions below while you listen.
Listen as many times as you need to.
Part A 
1. Choose the best answer. Ivan’s first words show that he is
a) avoiding sharing too much information
b) sharing too much information
c) filtering his thoughts before speaking
d) concerned about Gilles
2. Choose the best answer. Why does Gilles say “Mr. Broz” instead of “Ivan”?
a) He is being polite to the older man.
b) He isn’t familiar with the other man.
c) He is distancing himself from personal topics.
d) He is in a formal, public meeting.
3. Choose all the correct answers. Gilles expresses himself on the topic of appearance by
a) directly giving his opinion of the guitarist
b) indirectly reminding Ivan of social conventions
c) directly trying to change the topic
d) using non-verbal sounds of sighing
Part B
Choose the best answer.
1. In expressing their opinions of The Smashing Beats,
a) Ivan, Roshan, and Gilles all filter their feelings about the band
b) Roshan and Gilles filter their feelings, but Ivan doesn’t
c) Gilles filters his feelings, but Ivan and Roshan don’t
d) No one filters his feelings
2. Reviewing The Ghost Tree Ensemble,
a) Roshan filters all his thoughts about age
b) Ivan is offended that Roshan doesn’t say what he’s thinking
c) Roshan loosens his filter about age
d) Ivan is offended when Roshan says what he’s thinking
3. Gilles’ perspective on The Ghost Tree Ensemble is
a) direct and positive
b) direct and negative
c) direct, positive, and negative
d) indirectly positive
4. When Ivan asks for and responds to Roshan’s opinion, Ivan is
a) withholding his own thoughts
b) indirectly respecting a younger person
c) sharing his sincere feelings
d) saving face