
34 Chapter Vocabulary List

Word Form Meaning
acoustic adjective a musical instrument played without electrical amplification
anonymous adjective not identified by name
aroma noun a scent
bass noun an instrument with the lowest, or deepest, sound
blogger noun a person who expresses opinions on Internet discussion sites called blogs (weblogs)
boundary/boundaries noun line(s) that mark a limit
came up short expression failed to reach a goal
censor verb to cut out or delete unacceptable parts of a conversation or document
chorus noun the repeated part of a song
cliff noun a high point on a mountain above a vertical drop
compliment noun polite expression of praise or congratulation
critic noun a person who judges the quality of something, or offers negative opinions of it
criticism(s) noun expression(s) or judgment(s) of the fault(s), and sometimes quality, of something
crossing a line expression behaving in a way that is not acceptable
decade(s) noun a period of 10 years
diversity noun variety
double bass noun the largest instrument in the violin family
duet noun two musicians performing together
easy on the eyes expression good-looking; beautiful
eligible adjective worthy to be chosen
eye candy slang good-looking; beautiful
filter verb to choose or carefully limit what is allowed out or in
gender noun the social distinction of being female or male
genre noun a category of artistic work in stories or music
gesture(s) noun movement(s) of the body, especially hand(s) or the head, to express meaning
handsome adjective good-looking; attractive
has a lot on his/her plate expression is very busy; has many responsibilities
in-your-face expression very direct; impossible to avoid
inclusion noun the action of including someone or something in a group or action
intermission noun a planned break in a performance
intimate adjective very private; innermost; confidential
lyrics noun the words of a song
moderator noun a person who keeps order in a discussion
moody adjective given to unpredictable changes of mood
non-verbal adjective without speaking
old soul noun a wise, perhaps older, person
opinionated adjective having strong opinions
performance noun the act of presenting, or staging, a concert or play
pessimistic adjective negative
published verb printed or produced for public sale
reviewer noun a person who rates the quality of something and expresses an opinion about it
revival noun a new production of an old work of art or music
rhythm(s) noun strong, regular sound(s) or beat(s) in music
roots noun origins
rural adjective in the countryside, not in a city or town
shadowing verb following closely
short list noun a list of a few individuals being considered for a prize or honour
silver lining expression the brighter or hopeful side to a problem; from the proverb “Every cloud has a silver lining”
smashing slang excellent; wonderful
solo(s) noun one musician performing alone
something’s up expression something unusual is happening
stage noun a platform for performers, often higher than the floor
sugar-coating adjective making something sound better than it really is
texture noun the feel of a substance
the most eligible bachelor expression the single man most qualified for marriage
throw up verb to vomit
TMI abbreviation too much information
Twitterverse noun all the users and comments on the social networking site Twitter
unoriginal adjective copied; not new or imaginative
upbeat adjective cheerful; optimistic
vocal adjective freely saying, or voicing, opinions