
27 Chapter Vocabulary List

Word Form Meaning
😉 emoticon wink = I’m joking
@ abbreviation at
2 a T text abbreviation to a T = exactly; perfectly
apologize verb to say “sorry”
apology noun an expression of being sorry
b4 text abbreviation before
barely adverb hardly; only just
bear hug noun a friendly hug or embrace with arms completely around another person
blunder noun mistake; error
bump verb to lightly hit or crash into someone or something
burst verb (an object) filled so full that it breaks
choppy adjective separate; abrupt; not smooth
commitments noun promises
confirmation noun an official answer that something is true
considerate adjective thoughtful of other people
courteous adjective well-mannered; polite
critical thinking expression reflecting deeply to consider how and why things happen
debt noun something, such as money, owed to another person
deductible noun an amount that is deducted, or subtracted, from a total amount
distraction(s) noun thing(s) that pull(s) attention away from what is important
embarrassment noun feeling uncomfortable or awkward about someone’s behaviour
equality noun having similar status or power
etiquette noun rules of polite behaviour
excuse verb to overlook; to accept bad behaviour
excuses noun reasons or explanations for why something rude or inappropriate happened
fluent adjective flowing; smooth; not broken
get a bee in my bonnet expression become upset about something
gma text abbreviation grandma
grace period expression a specific amount of time when penalties for being late are not charged
grateful adjective thankful
guilt noun responsibility for a fault, mistake, or bad behaviour
hard of hearing expression unable to hear well; hearing impaired
harm noun hurt; damage; injury
have my word expression have my promise
heartfelt adjective deep; honest; sincere
honour verb to respect; to celebrate
humiliation noun feeling put down or publically shamed
keep face expression remain respectable
losing face expression become ashamed
making excuses expression giving reasons for inappropriate behaviour without taking responsibility for it
matter noun subject; issue; problem
mend verb to fix; to repair
mending fences expression repairing a relationship after a conflict or misunderstanding
metaphor(s) noun word(s) or phrase(s) that symbolize something else to explain something
minding my own beeswax expression paying attention to my own duties, not other people’s
my bad slang my mistake
normal adjective usual; typical; ordinary
offence noun a behaviour that upsets someone or breaks a custom, rule, or law.
offended verb (past tense) to upset or insult someone
perception(s) noun the ability to see, smell, taste, hear, feel, and understand
prob abbreviation problem
prompt adjective quick
r u w/ abbreviation are you with (someone)
regret noun sadness; shame; guilt
regrets noun expressions of being sorry
saving face expression protecting or restoring respect for someone
scene noun situation
shame noun dishonour; loss of respect from others
shut me out expression stop listening or paying attention to me
sincere adjective honest; genuine; true
slashed adjective cut with a knife or sharp tool
sober adjective clear-headed; not under the influence of alcohol
srsly text abbreviation seriously
suited verb (past tense) fit
sympathy noun feeling of pity or compassion for someone in pain or trouble
trivial noun small details; unimportant facts
unforeseen adjective unexpected; surprising
walking on eggshells expression being careful of what is said or done around another person because he or she might easily become upset
We regret to inform you formal written expression This is bad news