
Chapter 1: Reception, Respect, and Relationships


Watch this chapter’s video. It introduces the main characters who will appear in the next five chapters. Keep an eye out for Roshan, Gilles, and Claire. Notice how they adjust how they speak to different people in different ways.

Focus questions

In this chapter, Roshan has conversations with Kerry, Nick, Gilles, Claire, and Leela, his mother. These conversations don’t all start or end the same way. Roshan sometimes speaks face to face with another person; he also uses a phone to talk or to text. He seems to be a friendly young guy; his friendliness shows up in both casual and more respectful styles of speaking.

What about you? The next three activities focus on your own spoken or written messages.


Complete each box in the table with two or three words you would say to the people listed in the right-hand column. The first row is an example.

Start a conversation Close a conversation With the following person
Hey! See ya later! a close friend
your mother or father
a teacher you had as a child
a cashier you’ve never met before
your MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly)


Indicate how YOU usually express each kind of message. You can check more than one box for each message.

I usually… by email face to face by phone on social media by text other
say, “I am going to be late”
say, “I’m sorry”
complain about traffic
talk about a shared memory
congratulate someone
ask for an explanation of a serious mistake
thank someone
express my opinion


Decide your communication style.

Read the descriptions below the dots on the line.

Place a Star on the dot closest to the way you communicate.

Line graphic showing different styles of communication.


In this chapter, we will develop language functions to

You will build up your language skills in

  • vocabulary through synonyms, word families, phrasal verbs, idioms, and texting abbreviations
  • accuracy through grammar practice with stative verbs and tag questions
  • fluency through writing and speaking tasks related to receiving communication and engaging respectfully in community relationships