
6 Chapter Vocabulary List

Word Form Meaning
4ever text slang forever
#truth text slang # = hashtag; that is true
??? text slang I’m confused or puzzled
@ text slang at
accurate adjective correct
acquaintance noun a person you know but not as well as a friend
address verb to use a special name or title when talking or writing to someone
adjust verb to change; to shift; to switch
apprentice noun a person who is learning a trade from his or her employer
appropriate adjective good or correct for a particular time or place
arranged verb (past tense) planned or organized; not by chance
assumption noun something you think is true but you have no proof
assured verb made certain or confident
awkward adjective hard to deal with; lacking skill or social grace
band noun a group of musicians
be over it slang to recover from an unhappy situation or incident
be up to slang doing or planning to do something
beyond text slang more than usual
black sheep of the family idiom a family member who doesn’t follow the family rules
blunt adjective very direct; abrupt
bottom noun land below a hill; a valley
brb text slang be right back = the texter must leave but will return
bro slang noun brother; a male friend
buddy noun a close friend
budge verb to move; to change
c’mon speech reduction Come on! Hurry! Get moving!
coincidence noun two or more events that happen by chance at the same time
colleague(s) noun person/people who work together; co-worker(s)
comedian noun a person who tells jokes or stories to make people laugh
communicate verb to express and receive messages, including feelings and information
communication noun the process of expressing and receiving feelings and information
compare verb to find out how things, people, or events are the same
compose verb to write
confirm verb to establish that something is true
construction noun the process of building something such as a highway
context noun information before or after spoken or written words that clarify meaning
curious adjective wanting to know; interested in something
darn slang emphasis very annoying
direct adjective straight; without formalities or ceremony
directness noun the condition of saying thoughts exactly without softening them
disappointment noun the feeling when something hoped or planned for does not happen
distance noun the social space between people; how close relationships are
drop it verb to stop doing something
dropped off verb (past tense) delivered
dropped out verb (past tense) quit attending
dude slang noun man; guy
elder(s) noun older member(s) of a family or community
electrocuted verb (past tense) shocked by an electric current
eligible adjective worthy to be chosen
familiar adjective well known to you; easy to recognize
familiarity noun knowing and feeling comfortable with someone or something
field noun a box or cell on a form to be filled in
fit in verb to belong
flashback(s) noun memory/memories
formal adjective paying careful attention to proper manners of doing something
formality noun a polite or official way of acting or speaking
former adjective true before but not now
generation(s) noun people about the same age within a society or family such as grandparents, parents, children
go overboard idiom be too extreme
grateful adjective thankful
gtg text slang I’ve got to go
hang on verb to wait; to keep a telephone line open
has a good eye idiom has strong skills at something; notices small details
hot date slang an exciting appointment with a romantic partner
howz text slang how is
hwy text slang highway
identify verb to learn and say exactly what something is
inbox noun a physical or electronic place to receive messages
Indian noun a person from India
indirect adjective roundabout; following formalities or ceremony
indirectly adjective done in a way that does not clearly show feelings
indirectness noun the condition of not saying thoughts exactly, only hinting
informal adjective without ceremonial or formal manners; casual
intonation noun the way sounds become longer, shorter, higher, or lower in speech
jet lag noun the condition of being very tired after flying in an airplane across time zones
keep an eye out for idiom watch for
kill me now slang I’d like to get out of this difficult situation.
l8r text slang later
light bulb noun a glass tube or bulb that uses electricity to produce light
line noun an electronic, wired connection; e.g., telephone
lol text slang laughing out loud = very funny
ma’am noun madam; a polite greeting for an older woman
mithai noun a South Asian sugary snack
my old lady slang my wife or female partner
nope slang no
omg text slang oh my god
overly adverb too
padded envelope noun an envelope with thick, soft sides to protect whatever is inside
patterns noun ways or forms of talking or writing that repeat
perception noun the ability to see, smell, taste, hear, feel, and understand
personal adjective private; individual; belonging to a particular person
pick out verb to choose
pistachios noun nuts with a greenish kernel
pitch noun how high or low a sound is
prefix(es) noun letter(s) added to the beginning of a word, to make a new word
punctuation noun written marks such as , ? ! . “ ”
reading between the lines idiom understanding something more than what is written and isn’t directly stated
reception noun the quality in receiving an electronic signal; e.g., on a radio, TV, or cellphone
recognize verb to notice and identify; to be aware of
regarding preposition concerning; about
saxophone noun a musical wind instrument
scaffolding noun a supporting structure
see eye to eye idiom to agree
sesame seeds noun small, oval seeds
settling in verb becoming comfortable in a new place
signal verb to show
social conventions noun patterns of polite behaviour in a society or culture
SpaceBook noun a fictional social media site
status noun the social position, or rank, of one person compared to others
suffix(es) noun letter(s) added to the end of a word, to make a new word
sux text slang sucks = something is terrible
sux 2 b u text slang sucks to be you = your situation is terrible
sweet adjective sugary; fantastic
sweetheart noun a beloved person
sweets noun candies or sugary snacks
switch verb to exchange one thing for another
teacher’s pet slang a student favoured by a teacher
the big two-o slang 20 years old
thx text slang thanks
tone noun the sound of a voice
trade noun some kind of skilled work done by hand or by machine; e.g., electrician, carpenter
traditional adjective customary in a family or culture
trapped verb (past tense) unable to get away
u text slang you
ugh interjection an expression that shows dislike
uncomfortable adjective unpleasant; difficult; not relaxed
unfamiliar adjective not well known to you; not easy to recognize
ungrateful adjective not thankful
upset adjective disturbed; made unhappy
ur text slang your
w/ text slang with
water under the bridge idiom events that happened in the past and cannot be changed
Well, I’ll be slang an expression of surprise
What the heck slang an expression of surprise or anger; a softer way of saying “What the hell?”
wisdom noun the quality of knowing what is right and doing what is just
wonky adjective unreliable
zombie slang a person who behaves without human emotion