23 Listening
Before You Listen
Complete these pre-listening activities to help you identify how people offer and expect to receive apologies.
Social Conventions Around Apologies and Excuses 
“Sorry” has a wide range of meanings. The scale below gives some ways people use the word “sorry.”
Place the number of each sentence or question below along the scale to identify how the word “sorry” is being used.
- Sorry, could you hang on a second? Let me turn down the music.
- Sorry, but I won’t be able to come.
- I know what I did was totally out of line, and I’m sorry.
- You missed your anniversary dinner … I’m so sorry.
- I have to say I’m sorry for the campers and the bear.
- He is sorry about missing the deadline.
- I’m really sorry Dad. I hate to do this, but I’ve got to run. I’ve got work.
- I don’t think I’m ready to talk. Sorry
In Chapter 1, there are some homographs, words that are spelled the same although the meanings are different. In this chapter, some words also have multiple meanings. The pronunciation and spelling are the same, but the meanings may be slightly different or not at all the same.
1. The word OFFENCE has several meanings. In each sentence below, indicate the word that could be replaced by OFFENCE.
a) Folk musician Del Jacobs once hurt a man with a knife, so he was charged with a weapons attack.
b) Nick didn’t consider Dan’s grandmother’s mistake with his name as an insult.
c) A camper left a fire unattended, but since it was his first violation, Claire just gave him a warning.
2. The word OFFEND has several meanings. In each sentence below, indicate the word or words that could be replaced by OFFEND.
a) If you answer a friend’s phone as Claire did with Gilles, you might hurt the feelings of your friend.
b) If Ivan is very direct with his opinions, he could upset some people.
c) When garbage isn’t removed regularly, does the smell really bother you?
You will hear conversations in which Dev and Roshan offer apologies to other people.
Predict the answers to these questions before you listen:
- What “offences” do you predict Dev and Roshan will feel obligated to apologize for?
- Will the others agree that an “offence” has happened?
- Will the others accept Dev’s and Roshan’s apologies? Why or why not?
- Will Dev or Roshan apologize directly or indirectly, in person, or on the phone?
- What might happen if an apology is accepted or rejected?
Listening 1
Listen to a private telephone conversation between Roshan and Dev. Notice how the two characters use the word “sorry” and what saying sorry means to them.
After You Listen
Complete the activities below to check your listening comprehension. These strategies focus on ideas and paying attention to exact words.
Strategy 1: Recognizing Facts 
Listen again.
Select True (T) or False (F) for each statement.
- How do you know it is true or false?
Be ready to discuss evidence to support your answers.
T | F | 1. Roshan called Dev to thank him for the loan. |
T | F | 2. Roshan thinks Dev is disappointed. |
T | F | 3. Dev is disappointed in Roshan. |
T | F | 4. Dev is proud that Roshan wants to pay for the slashed tires. |
T | F | 5. Dev wants Roshan to pay back the loan. |
T | F | 6. Roshan apologizes for interrupting Dev. |
T | F | 7. Roshan apologizes for working as an electrician. |
T | F | 8. Dev thinks Roshan apologizes too much. |
Strategy 2: Retelling Details 
1. Choose the best answer.
Dev says, “We forgive your debt to us.” Dev means
a) Roshan has to pay back the money his parents lent him
b) Roshan doesn’t have to pay back the money his parents lent him
c) they are sorry that they lent Roshan some money
d) they accept Roshan’s apology for the loan
2. Choose all the correct answers.
Dev says, “I have been somewhat … distant.” Dev means
a) he lives very far away from Roshan
b) he wants Roshan to visit home more often
c) he hasn’t communicated much with Roshan
d) it’s been difficult for Roshan to communicate with him
3. Choose the best answer.
Dev says, “Let it all be water under the bridge.” Dev means
a) he wants to forget about their past problems
b) he wants to talk about their differences
c) he accepts Roshan’s apology
d) he accepts Roshan’s gratitude
4. Choose the best answer.
Dev says, “My heart nearly burst with pride.” Dev means
a) he was too angry
b) he was really disappointed
c) he was so happy
d) he was very ashamed
5. Choose all the correct answers.
Dev says, “You Canadian kids. So many sorrys. For what?” Dev means
a) Canadians don’t apologize enough
b) Canadians apologize too often
c) it’s necessary to apologize for many things
d) Roshan doesn’t have to apologize right now
Listening 2
Listen to a face-to-face conversation in a public place. Notice how the two characters have very different perceptions of the same unfortunate events: the theft of Roshan’s tools and the vandalism of Kerry’s truck.
After You Listen
Strategy 1: Recognizing Cognates, or Word Families 
Select the best answer to complete each sentence below.
1. Kerry doesn’t think Roshan needs to ________________ to him for anything.
a) apologize
b) apology
c) apologetic
d) unapologetic
2. Roshan wants to offer an ____________________ to Kerry.
a) apologize
b) apology
c) apologetic
d) unapologetic
3. Gilles is bothered, but not _______________, when people mispronounce his name as “Jill.”
a) offended
b) offence
c) offensive
d) noffensive
4. Ivan took __________________ when Gilles did not ask his opinion about taking down the posters.
a) offended
b) offence
c) offensive
d) inoffensive
5. Kerry did not want to ___________________ Roshan’s money.
a) accept
b) acceptable
c) accepting
d) unacceptable
6. Gilles is a man who is very ________________ of different opinions and ideas.
a) accept
b) acceptable
c) accepting
d) unacceptable
Strategy 2: Recognizing Meaning from Direct and Indirect Clues 
Choose the best answer.
1. Roshan first apologizes because
a) he bumped into Kerry
b) he bumped into Kerry’s truck
c) the truck bumped into him
d) he apologized to the truck
2. Roshan wants to give Kerry
a) money
b) tires
c) an anniversary present
d) insurance
3. At first, Kerry
a) agrees to take the money
b) doesn’t think Roshan should give him money
c) agrees that Roshan should apologize to him
d) asks Roshan to apologize to his wife, Mrs. Ames
4. What does Kerry say he had to pay for with his own money?
a) The tow truck and mechanic
b) New tires
c) Jewellery
d) The insurance deductible
5. Kerry agrees to take some money because
a) he’s angry with Roshan
b) Mrs. Ames wants some jewelery
c) it will make Roshan feel better
d) Kerry doesn’t have enough insurance to pay for everything
6. Choose all the correct answers.
What problems does Roshan mention that already cost Kerry some money?
a) Kerry’s tools were stolen
b) Kerry’s tires were slashed
c) Kerry paid for a tow truck and a mechanic
d) Kerry cancelled his anniversary plans
The first listening was about a father “mending fences” with his son.
NOTICE how the two men understand the word “sorry” in different ways.
FIND an example of Dev apologizing to Roshan.
IDENTIFY what “offence” Dev regretted.
IDENTIFY how he expressed his regret without using the word “sorry.”
DISCUSS why a father might not be direct in an apology to a child.
FIND examples of Roshan using the word “sorry.”
IDENTIFY any of Roshan’s actions that offended his father.
IDENTIFY different meanings that Roshan communicates with this word.
DISCUSS why Dev asks, “You Canadian kids. So many sorrys. For what?”
THINK about your relationships outside English class.
TALK about actions that offended you that someone apologized for.
Was the apology direct or indirect, in person, or on the phone?
How did you respond? Did you accept or refuse the apology?
TALK about actions that offended you but no one apologized for.
Did anyone else think that an “offence” had happened?
Did you ever demand an apology?
TALK about actions that you apologized for.
Did the other person agree that an “offence” had happened?
How did the other person respond?
TALK about how effective apologies are in mending fences.
Listening Progress Check
Test your understanding of a situation in which two people have very different perceptions of an offence.
Answer the questions while you listen.
Listen as many times as you need to.
Part A 
For each of the following excerpts from Roshan and Nick’s conversation, identify who feels that an apology is appropriate, who he feels should apologize, and why he feels an apology is necessary.
Excerpt 1
1. Who expects an apology?
a) Roshan
b) Nick
2. From whom does he expect an apology?
a) The green team
b) The red team
3. Why? Select all the correct answers.
a) They are dirty.
b) They stole the other team’s cab.
c) They were rude.
d) They were unfair.
Excerpt 2
1. Who expects an apology?
a) Roshan
b) Nick
2. From whom does he expect an apology?
a) The father
b) The son
3. Why? Select all the correct answers.
a) The father was trying to answer.
b) The son correcting his father.
c) The son was jumping in a lot.
d) The father was embarrassed.
Excerpt 3
1. Who expects an apology?
a) Roshan
b) Nick
2. From whom does he expect an apology?
a) The dad
b) The son
3. Why? Select all the correct answers.
a) He got really angry.
b) He lost his cool in private.
c) He respected him.
d) Sons expect to hear “sorry.”
Part B 
Listen to Roshan and Nick’s entire conversation about the TV show.
Choose all the correct answers.
1. Marvellous Marathon Canada is a show that
a) is about a sport
b) is a kind of contest
c) the friends both like
d) is about love and war
2. On this television game show,
a) the teams have to be friends with each other
b) a team’s members can be related to each other
c) teams may get ice cold
d) people upset each other
3. A person who corrects someone else may cause offence if
a) the correction is made in public
b) the questions are trivial
c) someone “loses face”
d) the team loses a lot of money
4. Nick’s perspective on the green team shows that
a) his expectations about apologies are the same as Roshan’s
b) he identifies with the son
c) he values money more than “face”
d) he gets offended by public anger
5. Can a person apologize if he doesn’t know there’s something wrong?
a) Nick feels people may not plan to be rude or offensive.
b) Nick thinks that’s the unwritten rule.
c) Nick and Roshan agree about the game rules.
d) Roshan’s relationship with Dev affects his perspective.