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66 results
OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University book cover

OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Dan Cockcroft

Subject(s): Reference works, Teachers’ classroom resources and material

Institution(s): Athabasca University

Publisher: Athabasca University Library

Last updated: 25/07/2024

The OER by Discipline Guide: Athabasca University is a tool suggesting open educational resources for specific courses at Athabasca University. Its purpose is to help faculty (and students) get acquainted with existing OER in their disciplines and facilitate their use.

The Language of Medical Terminology book cover

The Language of Medical Terminology

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  96 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Lisa Sturdy, Susanne Erickson

Editor(s): Nicholle Carriere

Subject(s): Medicine and Nursing

Institution(s): NorQuest College

Publisher: NorQuest College

Last updated: 20/06/2024

The Language of Medical Terminology is an open educational resource (OER) that begins with a focus on the practice of breaking down medical terms into their component parts. This is practiced through the beginning of the book in order to develop a solid foundation on medical term parts, their meaning and how to understand the full meaning behind medical terminology as a whole. The OER then continues onto the use of abbreviations, anatomy and physiology, body systems, common tests and procedures and finishes with content focusing on medical professionals in health care. This OER serves to provide the basic knowledge necessary to work in the health care setting.

Canadian Settlement in Action: History and Future book cover

Canadian Settlement in Action: History and Future

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  42 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Alexandru Caldararu, Julie Clements, Rennais Gayle, Christina Hamer, Maria MacMinn Varvos, Lynn Sutankayo, Marcia Kim, Sarah Apedaile

Editor(s): Nicholle Carriere

Subject(s): Society and culture: general, Social discrimination and social justice, Racism and racial discrimination / Anti-racism, Migration, immigration and emigration, Ethnic groups and multicultural studies

Publisher: NorQuest College

Last updated: 05/06/2024

The OER textbook is an introduction to key issues in the settlement sector rather than a comprehensive exploration of this dynamic and multifaceted field. Maria MacMinn Varvos situates the history of settlement services in Canada, including a look at delivery models and perspectives. She also explores the relationship between literacy levels of women and its affect on their settlement. Alexandru Caldararu introduces and situates social justice and anti-oppressive practice in settlement worker practice. He also presents a detailed discussion on climate migration and its implications on settlement, and a further discussion on the concept of mutual aid and its relevance for settlement work. Christina Hamer presents types of migration-related trauma and the mental health challenges many newcomers face before arriving in Canada. Rennais Gayle discusses the settlement experiences of older arriving immigrants, particularly focusing on family dynamics. In her chapter, Julie Clements provides an overview of how settlement workers can effectively navigate intercultural communication contexts. Lynn Sutankayo delves deeply into how related concepts in settlement act as a conduit towards further understanding of issues in gender, sexuality, and culture. Marcia Kim discusses various resources that could be accessed by newcomer families struggling with the transition to life in Canada in her chapter. And finally, Sarah Apedaile discusses relational approaches to intercultural dialogue and anti-oppressive practices when working with newcomer populations in her chapter. While the textbook chapters can be read in the order presented, each chapter presents a unique issue and can also be enjoyed in non-sequential order.

The Language of Medical Terminology II book cover

The Language of Medical Terminology II

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  43 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Susanne Erickson, Lisa Sturdy

Editor(s): Nicholle Carriere

Subject(s): Pharmacology

Institution(s): NorQuest College

Publisher: NorQuest College

Last updated: 14/05/2024

The Language of Medical Terminology II is an open educational resource (OER) that focuses on body systems, pathologies, and the medications used to treat those pathologies. Basic principles of pharmacology will be included throughout this OER and organized according to each body system. Review and key concepts will be shared in all chapters. This OER serves to provide the basic knowledge of pharmacology needed to work in the healthcare setting.

Principles of Creativity in the Workplace book cover

Principles of Creativity in the Workplace

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Rod Corbett, Kris Hans

Subject(s): Business innovation, Business and Management, Business strategy

Institution(s): Mount Royal University

Publisher: Mount Royal University Library

Last updated: 03/05/2024

Principles of Creativity in the Workplace is an educational resource designed primarily for the course MGMT 2275 at Mount Royal University, aimed at enhancing creativity in professional settings. It serves as a living document that includes a collection of principles, reflections, and resources to deepen the understanding of creativity. The book encourages interactive learning through stories, examples, videos, and linked articles, and challenges readers to apply the principles in real-world scenarios. Authored collaboratively online, it is expected to grow with contributions and is freely available under a Creative Commons license, making it a dynamic tool for anyone seeking to foster innovation and creativity in their workplace.
Regulations and the Environment book cover

Regulations and the Environment

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English

Author(s): Tim Taylor

Subject(s): Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning, Regulatory compliance

Institution(s): Mount Royal University

Publisher: Mount Royal University Library

Last updated: 15/03/2024

The Boudreau Burnout Bibliography: 1957 to 2023 book cover

The Boudreau Burnout Bibliography: 1957 to 2023

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)   English

Author(s): Bob Boudreau, Rumi Graham, Wyatt Boudreau, Rylan Boudreau

Subject(s): Personnel and human resources management, Health, Relationships and Personal development

Institution(s): University of Lethbridge

Publisher: University of Lethbridge

Last updated: 12/03/2024

Library Research Skills for First Year Seminar Students book cover

Library Research Skills for First Year Seminar Students

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  25 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Kara Blizzard

Subject(s): Library and information services

Institution(s): University of Alberta

Publisher: University of Alberta Library

Last updated: 08/12/2023

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APA Style Citation Tutorial book cover

APA Style Citation Tutorial

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  28 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Sarah Adams, Debbie Feisst

Subject(s): Library and information services, Teachers’ classroom resources and material, Education

Institution(s): University of Alberta

Publisher: University of Alberta Library

Last updated: 04/12/2023

The APA Style Citation Tutorial is created by staff at the University of Alberta Library to support students and faculty in EDU 100/300 courses in the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta. The tutorial covers why it is important to use citations, elements of common source types, and how to create reference and in-text citations based on the 7th edition APA guidelines. The sources and activities throughout the tutorial focus on educational content. This tutorial can also be used as a reference resource. The APA Style Citation Tutorial is an adaptation of the Introduction to APA Library Tutorials by NorQuest College Library. They provided resources and support for the creation of this tutorial.

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Receitas Ricas Em Proteínas Para A Saúde Muscular Durante O Tratamento Do Câncer book cover

Receitas Ricas Em Proteínas Para A Saúde Muscular Durante O Tratamento Do Câncer

CC BY (Attribution)   English

Author(s): Hillary Wilson, Anissa Armet, Carla Prado

Institution(s): University of Alberta

Publisher: University of Alberta Library

Last updated: 30/10/2023