
Book Tour

In this textbook, we will develop language functions to

  • recognize how people interpret spoken and written messages
  • compare how people talk or write to each other
  • identify why conversations happen and messages are exchanged
  • look for patterns (also called social conventions) in conversations and messages
  • adjust how we speak to different listeners or write for different readers.

Your textbook can be used in two different ways. You can use it as an online textbook with interactive activities, or you can print the PDF and use it as a regular textbook.

Some activities have video or audio. When you use the online textbook, you can play the video and audio by clicking on the picture for that activity. However, when you download the PDF so that you can print the textbook, you will need your instructor’s help to access the video and audio.

The textbook has two appendices. You will find the answer keys, and the glossary in the appendices.

Take the Book Tour to learn more about this book. It will help you understand the different parts of the textbook and its chapters.

The content is the same whether you use the book online or if you print it. The experience is different. What are the main differences in the experience?

When you use the textbook online When you print it and use it as a regular textbook
Start by downloading the online textbook on your computer. When the textbook has finished downloading, you can click on the interactive sections to complete tasks, watch video and listen to audio. Start by downloading the PDF textbook on your computer. When the textbook has finished downloading, you can print the chapters and sections you need.
The Table of Contents for the book and the chapter are interactive. This means you can click on the chapter or section and go there. The Table of Contents for the book and chapter help you identify the page number of the chapter or section you need.
Many activities and tasks are interactive and will have this icon.

Many activities and tasks include audio and will have this icon.

Note! Any audio and video you need will be in the interactive task. After
you have finished the interactive task, you will need to return to your online textbook.

The activities are not interactive.

This icon only tells you that there is an interactive task if you use the textbook online.

This icon only tells you that there is audio for this task.

You can click on the icons and go to an activity or task.

This task has a worksheet in a fillable PDF format. Click on the icon to access the fillable PDF, download it and save it on the computer
before doing the task. Some fillable PDFs include audio, which you can access by clicking on the play button.

Remember to complete the task in the PDF that you saved on your computer.

This icon means that there is a fillable PDF if you use the text online. When you print the textbook, there is space in the textbook to complete many of the activities. Where there is not enough space, your instructor will give you the necessary instructions, or provide worksheets for you to complete.
You can click on an underlined word to read the definition. An underlined word in the textbook tells you that the definition is available in the Chapter Vocabulary List and Glossary.