
13 Chapter Vocabulary List

Word Form Meaning
alien noun someone who comes from an unfamliar place, maybe another planet
alienate verb to make someone feel that he or she does not belong to a group
alienating verb doing something that makes a person feel like he or she does not belong
anonymously adverb doing something without telling who do it
appeals verb attract
background(s) noun a person’s/people’s early education or family history
beer garden noun an enclosed outdoor space for drinking alcohol
bin(s) noun container(s)
biodegradable adjective able to decay naturally with no danger to the environment
blind noun unable to see; without sight
bonus adjective something good or extra that is not expected
campaign booth noun a small space or table to promote someone who wants to be elected
close adjective very familiar; friendly; warm; intimate
common adjective shared
confirmation number noun a number for a service that will definitely happen
conflict noun a disagreement or problem
convenience noun the quality of being easy to do, get, or use
convenient adjective easy to get, use, or do
county noun an area or government district in the countryside
critical adjective disapproving; fault-finding
criticism(s) noun expression(s) or judgement(s) of the fault(s), and sometimes quality, of something
delicate adjective sensitive, difficult, or awkward
demanding adjective asking in a strong way
directly adverb done in a clear way that shows feelings exactly
distant adjective unfamiliar; unfriendly; cool; unsociable
diverse adjective different; having a lot of variety
elderly adjective old
eldest adjective the oldest
emerging adjective becoming known
emphasize verb to say strongly
enlarge verb to make bigger
environmentally friendly adjective not dangerous to the environment
financially adverb about money
folksy adjective friendly; informal
furious adjective very angry
growing pain(s) expression difficulty/difficulties when a new project begins
guide dog noun a dog trained to help people who are blind
hot topic expression a subject many people are talking about
inconvenience noun a problem, nuisance, or bother
just emphasis or adverb only; only a short time ago; almost not able to do something
leash noun a long piece of leather or cloth attached to a dog collar
lending verb letting someone borrow something
lengthen verb to make longer
litter noun garbage left on the ground
Maskwa noun the fictional county named with the Cree word meaning “bear”
or else! prep phrase a warning or threat if a demand is not met
outer space noun the area outside the Earth’s air (atmosphere), where other planets and the stars are
partnership noun a relationship between two people, groups, or organizations
political party noun a group organized around ideas of how to govern
politician noun a person who is elected to government
poll noun a set of questions or a survey to measure people’s opinions
post verb to send a message by putting it in a public place
quotes noun words that were first said or written by someone else
recyclable adjective able to be used again after being re-processed
reeve noun the elected leader of a county; similar to a mayor in a town
request verb to ask
request noun the act of asking for something
service dog noun a dog trained to help people
shout-out noun a quick, public thank you
sighing verb breathing loudly because of fatigue, frustration, or boredom
social media noun online communication that connects large groups of people who share information; includes Facebook, Twitter, blogs
soften verb to make softer, gentler, or less direct
softeners noun expressions that make communication less direct
softer adjective less demanding; quieter
solution(s) noun answer(s)
struggle verb to try very hard to do something difficult
suggest verb to say what someone could or should do
suggestion noun a message or statement that tells what someone could or should do
synonym(s) noun word(s) with similar meaning(s)
take dictation verb to write down exactly what someone says
talent noun natural ability
thirsty adjective the feeling of needing to drink something
threatening adjective saying that someone will do something unpleasant if a demand isn’t met
tow truck noun a powerful truck able to pull other vehicles
unknown adjective not famous; anonymous
vehicle noun a car, truck, van, bicycle, etc.