
Einheit 2.6 (online)

grammar section icon Grammatik

Dative Verbs

Certain verbs in German, called “dative verbs”, require only a subject and a dative object (there is no accusative object). Here are some common dative verbs with examples:

antworten (to answer): Sie antwortet ihm nicht. [She doesn’t answer him]

gratulieren (to congratulate): Ich gratuliere dir zum Geburstag! [Happy Birthday! I congratulate you on your birthday]

helfen (to help): Können Sie mir bitte helfen? [Can you please help me?]

zuhören (to listen to): Die Kinder hören der Lehrerin nicht zu. [The children don’t listen to the teacher]

schmecken (to taste good to): Die Süβigkeiten schmecken uns sehr gut! [The sweets taste very good to us]

passen (to fit): Die neue Hose passt ihr nicht. [The new pants don’t fit her]

gehören (to belong to): Gehören diese Fahrräder euch? [Do these bikes belong to you (pl.)?]

stehen (to suit): Die kurzen Haare stehen ihm gut! [The short hair suits him well]

fehlen (to be missing): Ich glaube, dir fehlt ein Ohrring. [I think you’re missing an earring]

gefallen (to please): Gefällt Ihnen der neue Film? [Does the new movie please you (pl.)? Do you (pl.) like the new movie?]

danken (to thank): Wir danken euch für eure Hilfe! [We thank you for your help]


H5P activity icon Übung 1: Dative Verbs

Deutsch üben.  Using ChatGPT copy and paste the prompt below. Practice asking and answering questions. Use the different features provided by ChatGPT to enhance your learning experience, such as the “read aloud” feature. If you do not have an account, you can sign up for free using your university account. You do not need to pay for any extra features.

Prompt: I want to practice writing at an intermediate German level (B1.1). Can we talk about holidays and festivals? Can you ask me questions too? Was ist dein Lieblingsfest/-feiertag?

Here is an example of what your conversation could start like:


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Dative Verbs


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