
Hypothes.is for Collaboration

Hypothes.is (https://hypothes.is/) is an open source plugin for your browser that makes it possible to easily annotate any webpage, online document, or open textbook. This hands-on workshop will introduce you to this powerful tool, showcase examples of its use in higher education, and equip you to effectively use Hypothes.is for teaching and learning, such as by having your students annotate assigned readings.

In this one and a half hour hands-on workshop you will be getting familiar with Hypothes.is as an open online creator tool that you can use to build content for your blended/ online courses.


H5P plugin in Moodle Mock Course;  Pressbooks


Activity 1: Participants elaborate on questions:

  1. What brings you here today?
  2. What’s your teaching and or learning experience in online or blended environments?
  3. What online environments are you currently teaching in?
  4. What interactive content are hoping to create (to what purpose)?

Activity 2: Participants explore 3 different content types presented in a Moodle Mock course created for the purpose of experimenting with the H5P tool.

STEP 1: Participants self-enrol in a Moodle course by clicking on this link.

STEP 2: In the Moodle course, scroll down to the examples section. Choose any three different content types and take a closer look at them.

STEP 3: Discuss your impression of the selected examples.


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Digital Teaching and Learning at the UofL Copyright © by Joerdis Weilandt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.