H5P activities list

This book includes 335 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1375.4 Majas erster SchultagSingle Choice Set
1385.5 Geschenke IICourse Presentation
1405.2 Inas GeburtstagCourse Presentation
1415.6 Wichtige DatenDrag the Words
1425.6 GeschenkeFlashcards
1435.8 Wer? Wem? Was?Fill in the Blanks
1445.10 Personalpronomen im DativSingle Choice Set
1455.8 PersonalpronomenFill in the Blanks
1468.3 Lucas Wohnung IInteractive Video
1478.3 Lucas Wohnung IIInteractive Video
1488.3 Lucas Wohnung IIIInteractive Video
1496.4 Reise WortschatzDrag and Drop
1506.4 Deutschland Comparative & SuperlativeCourse Presentation
1516.4 Comparative & SuperlativeFill in the Blanks
1526.5 TransportmittelCourse Presentation
1536.7 GeografieCourse Presentation
1546.6 Transportmittel WortschatzFlashcards
1556.6 Geografie WortschatzCourse Presentation
1566.6 Komparativ & SuperlativFill in the Blanks
1576.8 ReiseerlebnisseColumn
1 5 6 7 8 9 17