H5P activities list

This book includes 344 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1134.2 das FrühstückDrag and Drop
1144.4 Reflexive PronounsFill in the Blanks
1154.2 Marita und RolfQuestion Set
1164.2 SebiQuestion Set
1184.4 ModalverbenFill in the Blanks
1194.4 KörperteileCourse Presentation
1204.6 Gesünder lebenFill in the Blanks
1234.6 Houssem fährt zur ArztpraxisQuestion Set
1244.6 Anruf in der ArztpraxisSingle Choice Set
1254.6 Modalverben IIFill in the Blanks
1264.8 Termine machen ISingle Choice Set
1274.8 Termine machen IISingle Choice Set
1284.8 Termine machen IIISingle Choice Set
1294.8 Das WochenendeFill in the Blanks
1304.8 Conjunctions ReviewCourse Presentation
1315.2 Marens WochenendeMark the Words
1325.2 Marens WochenendeQuestion Set
1332.3 Mein StudiumQuestion Set
1355.4 hatten und warenFill in the Blanks
1365.4 Ein schrecklicher Tag für Herr RomanoFill in the Blanks
1 4 5 6 7 8 18