H5P activities list
This book includes 344 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
322 | 10.2 Wortschatz Wiederholung | Fill in the Blanks | |
323 | 2.2 Mehr Gegenstände im Seminarraum | Course Presentation | |
324 | 3.6 Im Kaufhaus | Fill in the Blanks | |
325 | 3.6 Einkaufen | Question Set | |
326 | 4.6 Emotionen / Gefühle | Course Presentation | |
327 | 5.9 Weihnachten | Course Presentation | |
328 | 6.2 Aufforderungen Wiederholung | Single Choice Set | |
329 | 9.6 Adjektivendungen | Fill in the Blanks | |
330 | 2.9 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
331 | 5.4 das Perfekt | Fill in the Blanks | |
332 | 6.4 Geografie (with audio) | Course Presentation | |
333 | 6.5 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
334 | 6.11 Wo kann man übernachten? | Course Presentation | |
335 | 8.12 Auf Zimmersuche. | Fill in the Blanks | |
336 | 9.8 Im Restaurant Ungeheuer in Forst | Question Set | |
337 | 9.9 Bildgeschichte: Ein Abendessen mit Problemen | Sort the Paragraphs | |
338 | 9.11 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
339 | 9.4 Mülltrennung | Question Set | |
340 | 10.2 Nach dem Lesen | Question Set | |
341 | 1.10 Verb conjugation | Fill in the Blanks | |