H5P activities list

This book includes 344 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
3022.4 Possessive DeterminersDrag the Words
3033.12 AdjectivesDrag the Words
3043.12 PossessivesFill in the Blanks
30510.4 Stem-Vowel Changing VerbsFill in the Blanks
30610.10 denn vs weilFill in the Blanks
30710.8 Comparative SuperlativeFill in the Blanks
30810.12 Wortschatz WiederholungFill in the Blanks
30910.12 du imperative reviewFill in the Blanks
31010.11 Kap 8 WortschatzCourse Presentation
3116.2 WortschatzQuestion Set
3126.4 Katelyns Reise-BlogQuestion Set
3138.2 das HausCourse Presentation
3148.4 SchlafzimmerCourse Presentation
3159.8 Im Restaurant Ungeheuer in Forst (Pfalz).Fill in the Blanks
3167.9 Was wissen Sie schon?Course Presentation
3177.9 Was ist neu?Course Presentation
3186.12 accusative prepositions (new)Drag the Words
3196.12 accusative prepositionsDrag the Words
3206.12 accusative prepositionsQuestion Set
3211.5 Was haben Sie schon gelernt?Course Presentation
1 13 14 15 16 17 18