
Book Title: Biodiversity Conservation in Canada: From Theory to Practice

Author: Richard R Schneider

Cover image for Biodiversity Conservation in Canada: From Theory to Practice

Book Description: The aim of this book is to build a bridge between conservation theory and practice. The narrative is focused specifically on Canada. This permits an integrated treatment, where conservation theory is presented in the context of the social and institutional framework responsible for its implementation. Special attention is given to topics that are the subject of debate or controversy, as they provide valuable insight into the practical aspects of conservation. The result is a comprehensive synthesis of applied biodiversity conservation, tailored to the needs of conservation students and practitioners in Canada.

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Book Information

Book Description

Conservation is often portrayed as an applied science—a body of knowledge about how ecological systems function, how they are threatened, and how they can be maintained. Conservation is also a form of management. It entails working with people to achieve desired ecological outcomes, grappling with conflicting land-use objectives, and making optimal use of available conservation resources. The aim of this book is to build a bridge between these two perspectives, linking theory with practice.

Major topic areas include the history of conservation, the social and scientific foundations of conservation, threats to biodiversity, applied conservation methods at both the species and ecosystem levels, the accommodation of climate change, and structured decision making. Special attention is given to topics that are the subject of debate or controversy, as they provide valuable insight into the practical aspects of conservation. The narrative is focused specifically on Canada. This permits an integrated treatment, where conservation theory is presented in the context of the social and institutional framework responsible for its implementation. The result is a comprehensive synthesis of applied conservation, tailored to the needs of conservation students and practitioners in Canada. Learning is supported by an engaging and clear writing style and 196 colour illustrations.


Richard R Schneider



Conservation of wildlife and habitats


Biodiversity Conservation in Canada: From Theory to Practice
Richard R Schneider
Primary Subject
Conservation of wildlife and habitats
Additional Subject(s)
University of Alberta
University of Alberta Library
Publisher City
Edmonton, Alberta
Publication Date
April 23, 2023
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Ebook ISBN
Print ISBN