2.5 Academic Integrity Policy & Procedures

SAIT’s Academic Integrity Page outlines your rights and responsibilities in terms of academic integrity. Please familiarize yourself with this policy by clicking here to read the page contents.


Key Takeaways

Your responsibilities: 

  • Students have a responsibility to meet the highest standards of Academic Integrity
  • Students must not commit Academic Misconduct


What is meant by Academic Misconduct? 

It means “Any action or attempted action that may create an unfair academic advantage for a SAIT student, as described in this procedure”. Violations include:

  • Cheating and/or plagiarism
  • Fabrication
  • Forgery or falsification of documents
  • Assisting another student in committing an integrity violation
  • Infringement of copyright
    • A note on copyright: in Canada, a work in fixed form is automatically copyrighted, which means owned by the person who created it. It does not matter whether or not the work has a copyright symbol. This means that you can only reproduce works (such as using an image in your paper) that explicitly state that they are free to use or if you have received permission from the owner to use it.

Please familiarize yourself with the details of the academic misconduct process in the Possible Consequences of Academic Misconduct section of the Academic Integrity page.


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