2.1 Academic Integrity: Introduction


Learning Objectives

After finishing this part of the tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Name and describe the six values of Academic Integrity
  • Explain the personal benefits of adhering to Academic Integrity principles
  • Name your responsibilities as per SAIT’s Academic Integrity page
  • List the Academic Misconduct violations outlined
  • Apply the Academic Integrity Policy and the related Procedures document to scenarios involving academic integrity violations
  • Name the consequences of Academic Integrity violations


Academic Integrity: A shared responsibility

As a student at SAIT, you are a part of an academic community governed by the fundamental principles of academic integrity. It is important for all members of this community, instructors and students alike, to uphold these principles for the advancement of academic scholarship and the continued building of knowledge.


Why you should care

A degree, diploma or certificate that is achieved without compromising your own integrity and simultaneously upholding SAIT’s academic integrity standards, is a true representation of all the hard work and dedication you put into your studies. You can therefore rightfully be proud of your achievement as you maintained your reputation as well as that of SAIT.

You will also be well prepared for success in your career as you have put the necessary time and effort into your work, gained much knowledge and developed many valuable skills, such as research, critical thinking, writing skills and much more.


So what does Academic Integrity mean? 

Key Takeaway

The International Center for Academic Integrity (2013), defines Academic Integrity as a commitment to uphold six fundamental values in the academic community, even when faced with adversity:

  • honesty
  • trust
  • fairness
  • respect
  • responsibility
  • courage

The following pages will define the six academic integrity values in more detail and will give you various real-life scenarios to illustrate appropriate and inappropriate actions. The scenarios are adapted from the Integrity Matters app (MusicCentric Technologies, 2018).



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