Book Title: A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition)

Author: Benjamin Daniels

Cover image for A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition)

Book Description: A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition) is a comprehensive laboratory manual covering the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, streams, structural geology, and much more. The text has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially Alberta and British Columbia, and includes a diverse set of exercises intended to accompany the GEOL 1101 curriculum at Mount Royal University. This laboratory manual is an adaptation of Physical Geology - 2nd Edition by Steven Earle, and builds on the original edition of A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology by Siobhan McGoldrick.

Creative Commons Attribution


Book Information

Book Source

This book is a cloned version of Physical Geology - 2nd Edition by Steven Earle, published using Pressbooks by BCcampus under a CC BY (Attribution) license. It may differ from the original.


Benjamin Daniels


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Benjamin Daniels is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


Geology, geomorphology and the lithosphere


A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition)
Benjamin Daniels

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

A Practical Guide to Introductory Geology (2021-2022 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Benjamin Daniels is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

© 2021 Benjamin Daniels

The CC licence permits you to retain, reuse, copy, redistribute, and revise this book—in whole or in part—for free providing the author is attributed as follows:

If you redistribute all or part of this book, it is recommended the following statement be added to the copyright page so readers can access the original book at no cost:

Sample APA-style citation:

This textbook can be referenced. In APA citation style, it would appear as follows:

Daniels, B.G. (2021). A practical guide to introductory geology (2021-2022 edition). Mount Royal University Library.

Cover image attribution:

Cover design by Matt Laidlow. Cover image: “Chevron Folds in Vittrekwa Pass, Richardson Mountains, Northwest Territories” by Benjamin Daniels is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

Outcrop exposures in the Richardson Mountains offer a unique perspective into the tectonic history of the Western Arctic. In this photo, packages of centimetre- to decimetre-scale sandstone and siltstone beds in the Devonian Imperial Formation have been folded into distinct chevron-like shapes. These features are thought to record a period of regional compressional deformation that began in the Cretaceous and continued into the Paleogene.

Primary Subject
Geology, geomorphology and the lithosphere
Mount Royal University
Publication Date
May 10, 2021