
Anissa M. Armet, PhD, RD

Dr. Anissa Armet is a registered dietitian, and currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alberta.



In 2017, Anissa was recruited to work in Jens Walter’s lab as an undergraduate student to help design the research trial described in this book. Drawing on her nutrition expertise and personal experience in designing high-fibre plant-based recipes (posted on her Instagram account, @dashofnutrition, since 2014), Anissa created the recipes of the NiMe diet and contributed to the design of the controlled feeding trial.

In 2019, she began her PhD, supervised by Jens Walter, and was responsible for participant recruitment and data collection, cooking the NiMe diet, and data analysis. In her PhD, she used machine learning to determine if the gut microbiome predicts clinical responses to dietary interventions, contributing to the advancement of precision nutrition.


Anissa cooking NiMe diet meals as part of the human intervention trial in the metabolic kitchen of the Human Nutrition Research Unit (HNRU) at the University of Alberta (2019).


Anissa running machine learning models across three computers for her PhD thesis research at the University of Alberta (2023).


After completing her PhD in March 2024, she transitioned into her current postdoctoral position to research the effects of microbiome-targeted dietary interventions in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). This research is particularly close to her heart, as Anissa herself has a type of IBD called ulcerative colitis. She has followed a dietary pattern similar to the NiMe diet for almost a decade to help manage her IBD. Anissa hopes to contribute to the advancement of using nutrition-based therapies to improve clinical outcomes for patients with IBD. Being equally passionate about knowledge translation, Anissa co-authored an award-winning, evidence-based cookbook – The High-Protein Cookbook for Muscle Health During Cancer Treatment – and is currently developing a plant-based version. She hopes you will enjoy the NiMe diet book and that it will help support your gut microbiome and overall health!


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The NiMe Diet: Scientific Principles and Recipes Copyright © 2025 by Anissa M. Armet and Jens Walter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.