
8 Progress through the stages of team development

Alice Macpherson and Christina Page

As your group moves through these stages, stay aware of the patterns that tend to occur at each stage.  For example, many teams falsely assume that their group cannot function when they find themselves at the storming stage. However, this stage is a normal part of team development, like the others.  The infographic below indicates what steps you and your group members can take together to move to the next stage in your work together.  Ultimately, you want to achieve a performing team that supports your learning in community

Stage 1 “Forming”  individuals are not clear on what they’re supposed to do  the mission isn’t owned by the group  wondering where we are going  no trust yet  high learning  no group history; unfamiliar with members  norms of the team are not established  people check one another out  people are not committed to the team Stage 2 “Storming”  roles and responsibilities are articulated  agendas are displayed  problem solving doesn’t work well  people want to modify the team’s mission  trying new ideas  splinter groups form  people set boundaries  anxiety abounds  people push for position and power  competition is high  cliques drive the team  little team spirit lots of personal attacks Stage 3 “Norming”  success occurs  team has all the resources for doing the job  appreciation and trust build  purpose is well-defined  feedback is high, well-received, and objective  team confidence is high  leader(s) reinforce team behaviours  members self-reinforce team norms  hidden agendas become open  team is creative  more individual motivation team gains commitment from all members on goals Stage 4 “Performing”  team members feel very motivated  individuals defer to team needs  no surprises  little waste-very efficient team operations  team members have objective outlooks  individuals take pleasure in the success of the team  “we” versus “I” orientation  high pride in the team  high openness and support  high empathy and trust  superior team performance OK to risk confrontation Action Steps “Forming” to “Storming”  set a mission and goals  establish roles within the group  recognize need to move out of “forming” stage  identify the team, its tools and resources  leader(s) need to give direction  figure ways to build trust (not demand it)  define a reward structure  take risks  bring group together periodically to work on common tasks  assert individual power decide once and for all to be on the teams Action Steps “Storming” to “Norming”  team leader(s) should actively support and reinforce team behaviour, facilitate the group for wins, create positive environment  leader(s) must ask for and expect results  recognize and publicize team wins  agree on individuals’ roles and responsibilities  buy into objectives and activities  listen actively to each other  set and take team time together  everyone works actively to set a supportive environment  have the vision “we can succeed!”  request and accept feedback build trust by honouring commitments Action Steps “Norming” to Performing”  keep up the team wins  maintain traditions  praise and support each other  self-evaluate without fuss  recognize and reinforce “synergy” team behaviour  share leadership role in team based on who does what the best  share rewards for successes  communicate all the time  share responsibility  delegate freely within team  commit time to the team  keep raising the bar/new, higher goals be selective of new team members; train to maintain the team spirit
Image Credit: Alice Macpherson

Now that you have reviewed the ways that a team can move on in their development, apply your knowledge to team dilemmas in the quiz below.  When you have finished the quiz, go to the next chapter to move on in the workshop.


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