18 Learn with ePortfolios

Many online courses include the opportunity to learn and demonstrate your learning with ePortfolios. To get started with your ePortfolio, you may need to learn to use an online tool: Mahara and WordPress are two commonly used tools. Though ePortfolio assignments differ from class to class, there are some advantages to producing portfolios — both for your classes, and to extend your professional learning. Eportfolios offer the following benefits:
- By recording your learning regularly, you are able to show your growth as a learner and a professional over time.
- Eportfolios allow you to show and reflect on your learning process. While other assignments focus on the final product, an eportfolio allows you to record reflections, weekly learnings, and to document the changes in your learning and practice over a semester.
- The process of considering the content to include and the best way to present it is itself a learning experience. By consolidating your learning from different course activities and assignments, and applying your learning to your past experience, present personal goals, and future practice, you are engaging in meaningful life-long learning.
- Eportfolios provide a record of your learning to present in applications for future study programs or employment.[1]
Developing your eportfolio might require you to develop new technical skills in Mahara or WordPress. For information on using Mahara, download this PDF quick-start guide.
- Fenwick, T. J., & Parsons, J. (2009). The art of evaluation: a resource for educators and trainers (2nd ed.). Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing. ↵