2 Social Studies Heroes and Villains Lesson Plan

Esther Steeves

Intended Audience

Grade: Jr. High (various grades)

Lesson: Social Studies Heroes and Villains

Class length: 45 min

Note to reader:

This lesson plan was designed as a “flex block” for junior high students. Students from any grade could sign up for this class. There are no prerequisites. This lesson could easily be retooled for high school

Before Class:

  • Cue videos
  • Test audio


Learning Objectives


  • Students explore why it is important to humanize heroes and villains in social studies
  • Students do Internet research to uncover the “human side” of social studies heroes and villains
  • Students consider strategies they could use in the future when they encounter heroes and villains in social studies

(Created by E. Steeves, 2018)


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