
H5P activities list

This book includes 69 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1EAL Strategies for Deaf StudentsCourse Presentation
2American Sign Language for Classroom TeachersAccordion
3EDPY 474 SyllabusIframe Embedder
5AppleDialog Cards
7Digestive SystemDialog Cards
8Digestive System Labelling ActivityDrag and Drop
9The Digestive System: PersonificationInteractive Video
10Parts of the Digestive System - ReviewInteractive Video
11Labelling parts of digestive systemInteractive Video
12Digestive System - Concept MappingDrag and Drop
13Sign GLOSS ReadingDrag Text
15DigestionDrag Text
17Preposition: IntoImage Juxtaposition
18Preposition - From WhereImage Juxtaposition
19Preposition - WhenImage Juxtaposition
20Personal Journal EntryEssay
21Collage of Digestive SystemCollage
22Matching AnalogiesImage Pair
23Analogy behind Metaphor and SimileCourse Presentation
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