H5P activities list
This book includes 69 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
45 | Level 1 Accessibility driven by Deaf Aesthetics | Course Presentation | |
47 | Subtitles Lookup | Accordion | |
48 | Digestive System - Subtitles | Interactive Video | |
49 | Analogy Stomach to Blender Interactive Video | Course Presentation | |
50 | ANALOGY - STOMACH TO BLENDER - ASL GLOSS | Course Presentation | |
51 | Deaf Aesthetics | Course Presentation | |
52 | Levels of Accessibility | Course Presentation | |
53 | OER for Deaf Learners | Course Presentation | |
54 | Analogies Subtitles Lookup | Image Hotspots | |
55 | Level 2 Accessibility Driven by Visual Deaf Pedagogy | Course Presentation | |
56 | Collocations | Course Presentation | |
57 | Digestion Sequences | Image Sequencing | |
58 | Digestive System Hybrid Project | Documentation Tool | |
60 | Level 3 Accessibility - Bimodal Bilingual Language Acquisition | Course Presentation | |
61 | Visual Plan for Digestive System Video Project | Timeline | |
62 | Supporting Language Acquisition Through E-Books | Course Presentation | |
64 | Team Building - Discovering Team Roles | Personality Quiz | |
65 | Teamwork | appear.in for Chat and Talk | |
67 | Pre-writing activity for video script | Sort the Paragraphs | |
68 | Online Offline Hybrid Learning - Observing | Interactive Video | |