Book Title: Contemporary Issues in Collection Management

Authors: Kelsey Cameron; Chelsea Chiovelli; Lindsay Cline; Kylie Day; Alyssa De'Ath; Danielle Deschamps; Sean Gleason; Marty Grande-Sherbert; Sadaf Hakimizadeh; Andrew Ip; Olesya Komarnytska; Mikaela LeBlanc; Amy Nowakowsky; Gift Nwokoloh; Winston Pei; Nicole Pope; Reis Pouliot; Melissa Ramsey; Juliana Rupchan; Julia Sieben; Lothian Taylor; Maia Trotter; Grace Turnbull; Kat Voy; Dandi Wang; and Faye Willauer

Cover image for Contemporary Issues in Collection Management

Book Description: This edited, openly licensed, textbook examines several different issues in collection management. Topics covered include physical vs. digital collections; the impact of BookTok on collections; challenges to 2SLGBTQ+ collections ; ebook licensing; ebook pricing; accessible collections for users with physical disabilities; accessible collections for users with invisible disabilities; "just in time"/demand-driven acquisitions; climate change and collections and research data collections.

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Book Information

Book Description

This edited, openly licensed, textbook examines several different issues in collection management. Topics covered include physical vs. digital collections; the impact of BookTok on collections; challenges to 2SLGBTQ+ collections ; ebook licensing; ebook pricing; accessible collections for users with physical disabilities; accessible collections for users with invisible disabilities; “just in time”/demand-driven acquisitions; climate change and collections and research data collections.


Kelsey Cameron; Chelsea Chiovelli; Lindsay Cline; Kylie Day; Alyssa De'Ath; Danielle Deschamps; Sean Gleason; Marty Grande-Sherbert; Sadaf Hakimizadeh; Andrew Ip; Olesya Komarnytska; Mikaela LeBlanc; Amy Nowakowsky; Gift Nwokoloh; Winston Pei; Nicole Pope; Reis Pouliot; Melissa Ramsey; Juliana Rupchan; Julia Sieben; Lothian Taylor; Maia Trotter; Grace Turnbull; Kat Voy; Dandi Wang; and Faye Willauer


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Contemporary Issues in Collection Management Copyright © 2023 by Copyright for each chapter is held by the Individual Authors. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


The Arts


Contemporary Issues in Collection Management
Kelsey Cameron; Chelsea Chiovelli; Lindsay Cline; Kylie Day; Alyssa De'Ath; Danielle Deschamps; Sean Gleason; Marty Grande-Sherbert; Sadaf Hakimizadeh; Andrew Ip; Olesya Komarnytska; Mikaela LeBlanc; Amy Nowakowsky; Gift Nwokoloh; Winston Pei; Nicole Pope; Reis Pouliot; Melissa Ramsey; Juliana Rupchan; Julia Sieben; Lothian Taylor; Maia Trotter; Grace Turnbull; Kat Voy; Dandi Wang; and Faye Willauer
Michael B. McNally

Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Contemporary Issues in Collection Management Copyright © 2023 by Copyright for each chapter is held by the Individual Authors. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

The book and each chapter is made available by the authors under a Creative Commons-Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC-BY-NC 4.0) License.   Cover design by Kat Voy, Winston Pei, and Amy Nowakowsky.

Primary Subject
The Arts
University of Alberta
University of Alberta Library
Publication Date
August 1, 2023