


This project would not have been possible without the support and expertise of many.

First thanks must needs go to Dr. Alena Buis of Langara College for her excellent advice when this book was in its infancy. This project would absolutely not exist without her encouragement and ideas. She is the one who said the resource I wanted didn’t exist yet and that I’d have to be the one to create it. Then she made me believe I could do just that! One million thanks, Alena!

Sona Macnaughton, our information and digital literacy and open educational resources librarian at Red Deer Polytechnic, was an invaluable resource and liaison. Her willingness to expertly track down OER resources is what led us to partner with the University of Alberta Library’s Open Education Alberta project to platform and create this book. I asked Sona a myriad of complicated and difficult to answer questions during the making of this project and even when it required her to contact individuals in other institutions she was always able to find an answer for me. She also fielded questions (so many questions) about intellectual property, copyright, and creative commons licensing in the OER world. She also sourced institutional policy that made it clear how students could share their work in this text while maintaining their right to their intellectual property. She made this project easy and I am so appreciative of her time and effort! Thank you so much Sona!

Caitlin Ratcliffe was a copyright life line! A subject librarian at Red Deer Polytechnic, she and Sona answered so many questions about copyright and intellectual property that I’m sure they were very over this project by the end of it. Caitlin was indispensable at helping me support my students so they could fully understand their rights as intellectual property creators and gave us so much information on what the different kinds of copyright and creative commons options there were for authors and content creators in a project like this. Thank you Caitlin for the resources you have shared and the many questions you have answered!

Finally, true appreciation needs to be extended to the University of Alberta Library and their Open Education Alberta project. This allowed us to create this Open Education Resource, gave us access to their expertise and support, and ultimately made a very daunting task as smooth as possible. Thank you for your collaboration in making this project possible.

Supported by:

Created in partnership with:

University of Alberta Library Alumni Services




Acknowledgments Copyright © 2022 by Megan Bylsma. All Rights Reserved.