H5P activities list
This book includes 344 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
240 | 9.1 Welche Lebensmittel | Course Presentation | |
241 | 9.2 Mehr Lebensmittel | Course Presentation | |
242 | 9.1 Lebensmittel | Course Presentation | |
243 | 9.2 Lebensmittel Review | Course Presentation | |
244 | 9.2 Wo kaufen Sie ein? | Drag and Drop | |
245 | 9.2 Mengenangaben | Drag and Drop | |
246 | 9.2 Christian geht einkaufen | Question Set | |
247 | 9.3 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
248 | 9.5 Das Mittagessen | Course Presentation | |
249 | 9.4 Müll sortieren | Drag and Drop | |
250 | 9.4 Lebensmittel Review | Flashcards | |
251 | 9.6 Freunde einladen | Course Presentation | |
252 | 9.8 Trattoria Da Fausto | Fill in the Blanks | |
253 | 9.8 Im Restaurant bestellen | Fill in the Blanks | |
254 | 9.8 Was sagen Sie? | Drag the Words | |
255 | 9.9 Relative pronouns | Course Presentation | |
256 | 9.9 Relativpronomen | Course Presentation | |
257 | 9.10 Das Dunkelrestaurant | Fill in the Blanks | |
258 | 9.10 Auerbachs Keller | Course Presentation | |
259 | 9.3 Marktstände | Course Presentation | |