H5P activities list
This book includes 162 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
144 | 10.12 Konnektoren | Fill in the Blanks | |
145 | 10.11 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
146 | 10.13 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
147 | 10.14 Was wissen Sie schon | Question Set | |
148 | 10.15 Nach dem Lesen | Question Set | |
149 | 10.14 Vor dem Lesen | Drag the Words | |
150 | 10.13 Partizip Präsens | Course Presentation | |
151 | 10.14 Partizip Präsens/Perfekt | Fill in the Blanks | |
152 | 8.1 Kurzüberblick: Deutsche Geschichte von 1945-1990 | Course Presentation | |
153 | 8.2 BRD oder DDR? | Fill in the Blanks | |
154 | 7.6 Weitere Erfindungen | Fill in the Blanks | |
155 | 7.6 Haribo | Question Set | |
156 | 2.5 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |
157 | 2.2 Der erste Schultag | Fill in the Blanks | |
158 | 2.6 Dative Verbs | Fill in the Blanks | |
159 | 2.4 UNESCO | Question Set | |
160 | 3.1 Stadt oder Land Test | Course Presentation | |
161 | 4.6 Relative clauses | Fill in the Blanks | |
162 | 6.8 Dornröschen | Fill in the Blanks | |
163 | 6.9 Was haben Sie schon gelernt? | Course Presentation | |