7.1 Introduction to Terminology for Small Animals


Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you should be able to

  • Identify common anatomical landmarks in dogs and cats
  • Define sex and age-specific terms for dogs and cats
  • Describe the diversity of breeds present in dogs and cats, and how it might affect personality
  • Identify common coat colours and their terms in dogs and cats
  • Describe common husbandry procedures, forms of enrichment, and training equipment in dogs and cats
  • Define different ways of feeding and types of food given to dogs and cats
  • Describe the abbreviation AAFCO and its role in pet food
  • Discuss the diseases protected by the core vaccines in dogs and cats
  • Describe the importance of parasite prevention in dogs and cats
  • Identify some common routine and emergency causes for veterinary visits for dogs and cats

Chapter Overview

In this chapter, we will discuss terminology related to dogs and cats.

We will explore the different terms associated with their anatomy, colours, breeds, and husbandry. We will also discuss some principles of feeding dogs and cats, as well as some common reasons they visit veterinary clinics.

The purpose of this chapter is to familiarize you with the general care of cats and dogs, which will help you when booking appointments and discussing health conditions of pets with clients.


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Introduction to Veterinary Terminology Copyright © by Kelly Robertson, RVT and Dr. Matéa David-Steel, DVM is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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