- optical
pertaining to vision
- vaginitis
Inflammation of the vagina.
- "bodily waste" elimination
discharging feces, urine, or foreign substances from the body via defecation, urination, and emesis
- intraocular pressure
pressure within the globe
- Castration
Removal of the testes, generally used when referring to large animals
- chutes
Large piece of equipment that stabilizes a cow, often immobilizing their head
- desensitization
The procedure of exposing an animal to a situation slowly in order to make it less stressful in the future
- erythrocytes
red blood cells
- intraocular pressure
pressure within the globe
- nephrons
Functional unit of the kidney that filters blood
- abdominal
pertaining to the abdomen
- abduction
The act of moving (taking) away from
- abortion
is the termination of a pregnancy by removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus
- abscesses
Masses filled with pus
- acoustic
pertaining to sound.
- adduction
Movement toward the midline of the body
- adenoma
A mass or tumour in a gland
- adipose tissue
is a loose connective tissue composed mostly of adipocytes, known as body fat
- adrenal cortex
The outer region of the adrenal gland; secretes steroid hormones (Betts et al., 2013)
- adrenalectomy
removal of adrenal gland via surgery
- adrenaline
is a hormone involved in regulating visceral functions, produced by the adrenal glands
- Allergic
The immune system's over-reaction to a substance or antigen
- alopecia
hair loss
- alveolar
Pertaining to the alveoli
- anal
Pertaining to the anus
- anemia
A condition in which the number of red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin is lower than normal
- anesthesia
is a state of controlled, temporary loss of sensation or awareness that is induced for medical or veterinary purposes
- anterior
towards the front
- antiemetics
work against or prevent vomiting
- apnea
no breathing
- arthralgia
The condition of pain in the joints
- arthritis
inflammation of the joints
- artificial insemination
a procedure done by veterinarians to inject semen into the vagina.
- asymptomatic
without symptoms.
- ataxia
without coordination.
- audiology
is a branch of science that studies hearing, balance, and related disorders
- Aural
pertaining to the ear.
- auscultation
the act of listening.
- Autoimmune
relating to disease caused by antibodies or lymphocytes produced against substances naturally present in the body (oxford dictionary).
- autotomy
the casting off of a part of the body (e.g., the tail of a lizard) by an animal under threat. (wikipedia)
- avian
Relating to birds
- bilateral
Pertaining to two (or both) sides
- binocular vision
Vision that uses both eyes together
- biohazard waste
also called infectious waste or biomedical waste, is any waste containing infectious materials or potentially infectious substances such as blood.
- biopsy
to view life
- biped
an animal with two feet
- bitch
female canine.
- blepharitis
inflammation of the eyelids.
- bovine
a cow
- bradycardia
condition of a slow heart rate
- breeding
the mating by animals to produce offspring.
- bronchial
pertaining to the bronchi or bronchioles
- buccal
pertaining to the cheek
- buccogingival
pertaining to the internal mouth; especially the cheeks and gums
- cages
Enclosures for pocket pets and birds
- calculus
is a form of hardened dental plaque
- Capillary refill time
obtaining by applying pressure to the mucous membranes to blanch them, then determining the time it takes to return to normal colour
- cardiology
the study of the heart
- cardiomegaly
enlargement of the heart
- cardiomyopathy
Disease condition of the heart muscle
- carnivores
Animals that eat meat
- carpus
the joint (a thing) between the radius and the ulna
- cavity
hollow space or hole
- cervical
Pertaining to the cervix
- chemotherapy
treatment of neoplasm through the use of chemicals
- cholecystectomy
surgical removal of the gallbladder
- cilia
thin hairs within the nostrils
- clinical signs
observation of a medical condition, injury or illness that may be observed or detected during an examination.
- colectomy
removal of part of the colon
- colicking
When a horse is experiencing colic (abdominal pain)
- colonic
pertaining to the colon
- colostomy
a surgical opening to the colon
- combining form
is the combination of the root and the combining vowel
- combining form vowel
has no meaning but connects roots to suffixes and roots to other roots
- combining vowel
A single vowel, usually an o, sometimes an i, added to the end of a root to make the word easier to pronounce
- congenital
Condition present at birth
- conjunctivitis
inflammation of the conjunctiva or membrane of the eye.
- coprophagic
The eating of feces
- corneal
pertaining to the cornea.
- cranial
pertaining to the skull
- cranium
pertaining to the skull
- cryotherapy
Treatment with cold
- cryptorchidism
also known as undescended testis, is the failure of one or both testes to descend into the scrotum
- cutaneous
Pertaining to the skin
- cyanotic
Bluish or purplish discolouration caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood
- cystocentesis
surgical puncture of the urinary bladder with a needle to remove urine
- cystotomy
incision into the urinary bladder
- cytology
The study of cells
- dehydrate
lose a large amount of water from the body
- dental
pertaining to the teeth
- dentition
refers to the teeth as a whole
- dermatitis
inflammation of the skin
- dermatosis
a skin condition
- dermis
inner layer of the skin.
- diagnosis
A state of complete knowledge (this term is an exception to the rules; the suffix -sis means "state of")
- diarrhea
loose or liquid bowel movements
- distal
- diurnal
Active during the day
- dorsal
towards the back
- dowel
A peg of wood; often used to hold parts of something together
- drapes
Material used to provide a barrier to protect items such as surgical instruments from contamination
- drugs
Medications or other substances that have a physiological effect when introduced to the body
- dysphagia
difficulty eating, swallowing.
- dyspnea
lack of breath, shortness of breath
- dysuria
difficulty urinating
- ectoparasite
is an organism that lives on the outer surface of the host
- ectothermic
an animal who depends on their external environment for regulation of their body temperature and cannot regulate their own body temperature.
- edema
fluid accumulation
- electrocardiogram
a recording of the heart's electrical activity through repeated cardiac cycles
- electrocardiograph
An instrument used to record the electrical activity of the heart
- electrocardiography
The process of recording the electricity of the heart
- electrosensitive
sensitive to electromagnetic fields.
- encephalitis
inflammation of the brain
- endoparasites
Parasites living within the tissues and organs of the host.
- endoscopy
process of visual exam of a body cavity or organ with a narrow, tube-like instrument (endoscope)
- endotracheal
pertaining to within the trachea
- endotracheal tube (ET)
a tube that passes through the oral cavity into the wind pipe to provide anesthetics to the patient
- enrichment
Items in an animal's environment that encourage the animal exercise and/or provide entertainment
- enteric
pertaining to the small intestine
- enteritis
inflammation of the intestines
- epidermal
Pertaining to above the skin
- epidermis
outer layer of skin, made of closely packed epithelial cells
- equine
a horse
- erythema
skin redness
- erythrocyte
red blood cell.
- erythroderma
abnormal redness of the skin
- esophageal
pertaining to the esophagus
- exocrine
To secrete outside; for example, exocrine glands
- extravascular
Pertaining to outside the vascular system
- farriers
Professionals who care for hooves (e.g., trimming, balancing); primarily work with horses
- flexion
closure of a joint or reduction of an angle of a joint.
- Gait
rate or sequence of movement such as walking or trotting. (Merrriam-Webster).
- gastrointestinal
pertaining to the stomach and intestines
- gastrointestinal flora
The bacteria and other organisms that reside in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
- gastropexy
surgical stabilize the stomach to the abdominal wall
- gelding
Term for castration specifically in horses
- gestation
the period of development of the fetus in the uterus
- gingivitis
inflammation of the gums
- glossitis
inflammation of the tongue
- guard hairs
The long, coarse outer layer of hair on most species that protects the fur and skin
- heliothermic
Seeking heat from the sun
- hematemesis
vomiting blood
- hematoma
a mass of blood
- hematuria
blood in the urine
- hemiplegia
paralysis that affects only one side of your body (Cleveland clinic)
- hemogram
record of blood examination
- hemorrhage
Excessive discharge of blood, often from a trauma
- hepatitis
Inflammation of the liver
- herbivores
Animals that eat plants
- hibernate
inactive for extended periods.
- histology
The study of tissue
- homeostasis
biological process that results in stable equilibrium
- Husbandry
the care and act of caring for plants and animals.
- hutches
An enclosure for small animals
- hydrolysis
is any chemical reaction in which a molecule of water breaks one or more chemical bonds
- hyperflexion
over extension of a joint
- hyperthyroidism
A condition of high thyroid
- hypothyroidism
a condition of low thyroid
- hysterectomy
Surgery to remove the uterus and, sometimes, the cervix (National Cancer Institute, n.d.)
- incision
the separation of an object, into two or more portions, through the application of an acutely directed force
- infectious
capable of producing an infection
- inflammation
is part of the biological response of body tissues to harmful stimuli, such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants.
- ingesta
material taken into the body via the digestive tract
- inhalation
is the process of drawing air or other gases into the respiratory tract
- intercostal
pertaining to between the ribs
- interstitial fluid
is the tissue fluid that travels between the spaces between the cells of a tissue or an organ
- Intestinal
Pertaining to the intestines
- intramuscular
pertaining to within the muscle
- intravenous
Pertaining to within a vein
- keratectomy
surgical removal of portion of the cornea.
- labial
pertaining to the lips
- laceration
irregular tear-like wounds caused by some blunt trauma.
- lacrimal
pertaining to the secretion of tears.
- lactation
the secretion and production of milk by the mammary glands.
- laparotomy
incision into the abdomen
- laryngoscope
an instrument used to the examine or view the voice box
- lateral
farther from the midline or towards the side of the body.
- lethargy
is a state of tiredness, sleepiness, weariness, fatigue, sluggishness or lack of energy.
- leukocyte
A cell that is white; white blood cell
- leukocytes
white blood cells.
- leukopenia
deficiency of white blood cells
- ligamentitis
Inflammation of a ligament
- lymphocyte
A type of white blood cell in the immune system; the main type of cell in lymph
- malignant
Growing in an uncontrolled or invasive way; typically refers to cancer that has spread to nearby organs or tissues
- mammary
pertaining to the breast or milk secreting organs of mammals.
- Mammary gland
Modified sweat glands that produce breast milk (Betts et al., 2013)
- mastectomy
surgical removal of the breast or mammary gland
- mastication
the process of chewing food
- matting
The hair coat of an animal becoming entangled and clumped together
- medial
closer to the midline or towards the middle.
- medial canthus
medial corner of the eye where upper and lower lids meet
- microscope
is a laboratory instrument used to examine objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
- miosis
pupil constriction
- monogastric
Having only one stomach compartment
- mucous membranes
inner lining of organs and cavities
- multifilament
multiple strands bonded or twisted together
- muscular
pertaining to the muscle
- mydriasis
Pupil dilation
- myelitis
Inflammation of the spinal cord.
- myeloma
A malignant tumor in the bone marrow
- myocardium
The middle and thickest muscle layer of the heart (Betts et al., 2013)
- Myopathy
Pathology (disease) of the muscle
- nasal
pertaining to the nose
- necropsy
post-mortem (after death) examination on an animal species.
- necrosis
An abnormal condition of death
- negative feedback
A counteraction that stabilizes or influences an action that occurred
- Neonatal
Newborn (in reference to baby animals)
- neoplasia
is a type of abnormal and excessive growth of tissue
- neoplasm
New formation or growth
- nephritis
Inflammation of the kidneys
- neuralgia
the condition of pain in the nerves
- nocturnal
more active at night than in the day.
- non-parenteral
Administering medication through routes other than injection through the skin or delivery via the skin
- ocular
pertaining to the eye
- oliguria
very little urine
- onychectomy
is a surgical procedure to remove an animal's distal phalanges or claws. Also, known as declawing
- oocyte
A cell in the ovaries.
- ophthalmoscope
an instrument used to examine the eye.
- ophthalmoscopy
The process of visually examining the eye
- optical
pertaining to vision
- oral
pertaining to the mouth
- orchidectomy
surgical removal of the testes, also known as castration.
- osteitis
inflammation of the bone
- osteoarthritis
Inflammation of the bones and joints
- osteoporosis
is a systemic skeletal disorder characterized by low bone mass
- otitis
inflammation of the ear
- otoscope
instrument to visual examine the ear
- ovarian
Pertaining to the ovaries
- ovariohysterectomy
surgical removal of the ovaries and uterus, also known as a spay.
- ovariohysterectomy (spay)
surgical removal of the ovaries, uterine tubes and uterus
- palpation
examination by touching or feeling to determine size, texture, location and consistency of body parts.
- pancreatic
Pertaining to the pancreas
- pancreatitis
Inflammation of the pancreas.
- pancytopenia
Deficiency in all blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets)
- parathyroid
Pertaining to beside the thyroid
- Parenteral
Administered through routes other than the gastrointestinal tract
- pathology
is the study of disease and injury.
- pelvic
pertaining to the pelvis
- perianal
Around the anus
- pericardium
A structure surrounding the heart
- peristalsis
is a type of wave-like involuntary muscle movement that occurs in the digestive tract allowing the movement of food and liquid.
- pharyngectomy
Removal of part of the pharynx
- pharyngitis
Inflammation of the pharynx
- phlebitis
inflammation of the vein
- phlebotomy
an incision into a vein
- piloerection
the act of the hair standing straight up
- pinna
external ear.
- platelet
- platelets
a clotting cell; a blood cell that helps stop bleeding by forming clots; also known as a thrombocyte.
- pneumonia
Pertaining to the lungs; a serious lung infection caused by a virus or bacteria
- polydactyl
pertaining to many digits
- polydipsia
Much thirst
- posterior
describes the back or the direction toward the back of the body.
- postmortem
death after or after death
- precancerous
Pertaining to before cancer
- prefix
goes at the front of the term and changes the meaning.
- prehension
the act of grasping food
- Production animals
Animals used in farming to produce goods (e.g. cows for milk/beef, pigs for pork, chicken for eggs, etc.)
- prolapse
to fall forward
- proprioception
The body's ability to sense location, force, movements, and position of the parts of the body
- pruritus
itchy skin
- pseudopregnancy
false pregnancy
- puberty
the onset of adulthood where the body experiences hormonal and physical changes to allow the body to reproduce.
- quadriplegia
Paralysis of all four extremities
- quadruped
an animal with four feet (pads/hooves)
- radiograph
an image produced on a sensitive plate or film by X-rays, gamma rays, or similar radiation, and typically used in medical examination. (wikipedia).
- reception
the action or process of receiving something sent, given, or inflicted (oxford dictionary).
- rectal
pertaining to the rectum
- refractometer
an instrument that measures the density of urine compared to pure water via the refractive index.
- renal
pertaining to the kidneys
- retinal
pertaining to the nervous tissue of the eye or retina.
- retroperitoneal
Pertaining to behind the peritoneum
- rhinitis
inflammation of the nose
- rhinoplasty
surgical repair of the nose
Abbreviation for registered veterinary technologist
- RVT (Registered Veterinary Technologist)
highly trained professional with a minimum 2 years training in accredited programs and have completed the national examination. They work under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian
- scalpel
A surgical knife with a small, sharp, sometimes detachable blade
- scleritis
inflammation of the white of the eye or sclera.
- sensory receptors
Nerve endings that send signals to the central nervous system (CNS) when stimulated
- septicemia
Infection of the blood
- serum
the liquid portion of the blood after it has clotted.
- splenectomy
surgical procedure to remove spleen
- splenic
Pertaining to the spleen
- sterile
Free from living organisms or bacteria
- stethoscope
is a medical device for auscultation, or listening to internal sounds of an animal or human body
- stomatitis
Inflammation or irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth (National Cancer Institute, n.d.)
- subcutaneous
pertaining to below the skin
- suffix
goes at the end of the term and changes the meaning
- superorganism
is a group of synergetically-interacting organisms of the same species.
- suprascapular
pertaining to above the scapula
- suture
A way of holding together the edges of a surgical incision or wound, usually with stitches, staples, or glue
- symptom
A characteristic or sign of disease sensed by a patient either physically or mentally
- tachycardia
condition of a fast heart rate
- tendonitis
inflammation of the tendon
- Terrestrial
Living on land; relating to or referring to the Earth
- thermometer
is a device that measures temperature
- thermoregulate
The ability to regulate one's own body temperature
- thermoregulation
The regulation and maintenance of body temperature; balancing heat generation with heat loss
- thoracic
Pertaining to the chest
- thrombocyte
A cell that clots (platelet)
- thyroidectomy
surgical removal of the thyroid
- thyroidotomy
An incision into the thyroid gland.
- topographical
An accurate description of the physical features of the anatomical parts of a species
- tracheostomy
An incision into the trachea
- transdermal
pertaining to across the skin
- triceps
An arm muscle with three attachment points (lateral, medial, and long) that joins the humerus and scapula to the ulna
- turbidity
- ungulate
animals with hooves.
- Ungulates
Mammals with hooves
- unilateral
Pertaining to one side
- ureterolith
stone in the ureter.
- urethral obstruction
a blockage in the urethra, caused by urinary stones or plugs clogging the urethra. This is a life-threatening condition.
- urethritis
Inflammation of the urethra
- urinalysis
is a panel of medical tests that includes physical (macroscopic) examination of the urine
- Urolithiasis
Calculi (stones) or sludge in the urinary tract
- uterine
pertaining to the uterus
- vaccine
The treatment or administration of a substance to stimulate immunity to a pathogen or infectious disease; often created from an inactive or weakened form of the infectious agent
- vascular
Pertaining to the blood vessels
- vasoconstriction
Narrowing of a blood vessel
- venipuncture
withdrawing blood from a vein.
- ventral
pertaining to towards the belly
- ventrodorsal
oriented from or positionally from the ventral region to the dorsal region.
- vertebral
Pertaining to the vertebra
- vision
the act of seeing
- whole blood
blood as it is present in the body (all components present)
- word root
gives the essential meaning of the term
- zoonotic
A disease that is transmissible between humans and animals