
Session 2, Slides 23-27

Case Vignettes (slides 23 & 24)

Time: 12 minutes/Vignette > 24 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will gain experience using self examination to discover how they feel and why, when presented with particular situations that demonstrate bias towards others.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) share the Vignette with the participants. The participants are then asked to consider and reflect on the questions provided, share their thoughts with their breakout group and then return to the main session for a broader conversation around what each group discussed in their breakout room.

Facilitator tips:

Whether there is time to cover both vignettes the facilitator(s) will have to evaluate prior to introducing the second scenario.

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of how they have felt and why, when presented with particular situations that demonstrate bias towards others. These will be used to ‘kick-start’ the conversation if it begins to stall. If required, this will assist in having the participants feel more comfortable to open up to the group.

People Are Stories (slide 25)

Time: 5 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will understand that even though our stories are not the same, our lives are enriched by the many stories we encounter, and that this will only hold true if we have the relational agility to embrace others ways of knowing and being.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will review the statements on the slide regarding our stories, and emphasize that even though our stories are not the same, our lives are enriched by the many stories we encounter, and that this will only hold true if we have the relational agility to embrace other ways of knowing and being.

The facilitator(s) will then ask participants for their reflections on this conclusion.

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of their reflections on this statement. These will be used to ‘kick-start’ the conversation if it begins to stall. If required, this will assist in having the participants feel more comfortable to open up to the group.

Making an Inclusive Social World (slide 26)

Time: 5 minutes               

Measurable objective:

Participants will understand that making an inclusive social world, centres on quality engagement with each other and our diversity.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will ask participants to reflect on the statement that making an inclusive social world, centres on quality engagement with each other and our diversity and share their thoughts on what this means to them.

Facilitator tips:

No additional tips

Wrap UP (slide 27)

Time: 10 minutes

Measurable objective:

Ask participants to share their reflections and feedback on the Session 2 and the complete workshop.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Activity description:

The facilitator(s) will open the floor for participant feedback. It is imperative to reassure the participants that the content is constantly under review and their feedback is key to that process.

Lastly, remind the participants to complete the feedback questionnaire, if the facilitator(s) are using one.

Facilitator tips:

A feedback questionnaire is highly recommended so that the facilitator(s) may make adjustments/improvements for future offering of the Transcultural Communications workshop.

It is also recommended that the facilitator(s) hold their own reflection and review of the workshop within a few days.  It will be important to take note of any possible feedback/edits/additions/deletions to the prior workshop for future delivery.


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Transcultural Communications Copyright © 2024 by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.