
Session 2, Slides 11-15

Participant Diversity & Inclusive (slide 11)

Time: 7 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will engage in developing an increased understanding of how to embrace diversity and create inclusive environments.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will challenge the participants to delve into how we may create inclusive environments where we work and live, and support everyone in embracing diversity?

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance in order to initiate the conversation and have the participants feel comfortable.

Approaches & Interventions (slide 12)

Time: 7 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will come to understand what type of environment and approaches/interactions may be applied to improve interactions between groups.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will discuss various approaches that may be employed to bring diverse groups together in a space and create a place where everyone has an equal status, with an overarching goal or theme.

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of how each of the approaches/interactions provided may be utilized. Participants will be encouraged to delve deeper into the conversation by asking them if they have any additional recommendations for producing a more inclusive environment.

‘Self’ as a Starting Point (slide 13)

Time: 7 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants are invited to reflect on and share times when it was difficult for them to fit in.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will highlight that discomfort occurs when we are pushed out of our comfort zone, and we only regain comfort when we are supported. Participants will be asked when they experienced finding it difficult to fit in and how did that make them feel?

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of when they experienced finding it difficult to fit in, and how it made them feel.  This will assist with making the participants feel more comfortable and willing to initiate the conversation.

Why Do We Have Difficulty Fitting In (slide 14)

Time: 7 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will become aware of specific reasons why they may find it difficult to fit in during specific activities or events.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will highlight major reasons, or combinations of reasons, why we feel difficulty fitting in.  Participants will be asked to contribute other reasons why they expect that they may have experienced difficulty fitting in with a group or in a particular situation?

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of reasons, or combinations of reasons, why they may have had difficulty fitting in.  This will assist in having the participants feel more comfortable and to initiate the conversation.

Bringing One’s Whole Self to the Fore (slide 15)

Time: 7 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will become aware that inclusion starts with oneself: knowing, accepting, and expressing one’s whole self creates a platform for welcoming inclusion within one’s life.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 2 Session Slides
  • Session 2 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos


The facilitator(s) will highlight that the argument for being one’s authentic self, rests on four central assertions:

  • Each of us has different degrees of awareness regarding our multiple identities and makes choices about how to express those identities in different situations.
  • Each of us will derive important benefits when we can be more authentic.
  • Doing this is challenging and demands a great deal of presence and attention.
  • Our social and organizational contexts play an important role in either hindering or facilitating the likelihood that we will connect with and express the various facets of ourselves in different situations

The facilitator(s) will ask the participants to think about how they present themselves to the world. Do they bring their whole self to the fore? If not, what do they leave behind? And why?

Facilitator tips:

It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of reasons, or combinations of reasons, why they may have had difficulty presenting their whole selves to the world and what they may have left behind.  This will assist in having the participants feel more comfortable and to initiate the conversation.




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