
Session 1, Slides 21-25

Activity #4: Bias & Microaggression Discussion (slide 21)

Time: 15 minutes                   

Measurable objective:

This activity will lead workshop participants to consider how they may have experienced microaggression as a result of bias and how it has impacted them.

Materials needed – Online Specific:

Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)


This activity invites the participants to consider and reflect on the following questions, share their thoughts with their breakout group and then return to the main session for a broader conversation around what each group discussed in their breakout room.

  1. How might biases and microaggression impact your work and life?
  2. Share your experience and reflect on.

Facilitator tips:

To assist with prompting discussion in the breakout rooms, the facilitator(s) may wish to share some of their personal experiences and reflections.

When You Have Caused a Microaggression (slide 22)

Time: 5 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will come to understand positive steps that they may follow when they become aware that they have caused a microaggression.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:  

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Materials needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda


Explain to participants that after having committed a microaggression they should stop, then listen to the person they committed the microaggression against, ensuring that they are clear on what offended the person, and then offer a sincere apology.  Highlight that it is most important, as a participant, to ensure that you take the time to learn from this experience.

Facilitator tips:

The facilitator(s) should ensure that they have examples of when they have committed a microaggression readily on hand to share with participants; these may vary depending on the audience.

Seven Minimum Skills/Competences to be Culturally Competent (slide 23)

Time: 5 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will come to understand how these seven skills/competencies will enable them to interact with others in a culturally competent manner.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:  

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda


The facilitator(s) will highlight that this list has been prepared by UNESCO and discuss the value of each of the seven skills/competencies in becoming culturally competent. Also consider the consequences of not employing these skills/competencies.

Facilitator tips:

No additional tips

Possible Strategies (slide 24)

Time: 5 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants will come to understand strategies that they may employ to better utilize the seven skills/competencies that lead to a higher level of culturally competency.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:  

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda


The facilitator(s) will highlight and discuss how these strategies may be employed to better utilize the seven skills/competencies that lead to a higher level of culturally competency. Also consider the consequences of not employing these strategies.

Facilitator tips:

No additional tips

Activity #5: Working Effectively with Other Cultures Discussion (slide 25)

Time: 15 minutes

Measurable objective:

This activity will lead workshop participants to consider and develop their own list of competencies that they feel are essential to working effectively with people from other cultures.

Materials needed – Online Specific:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)


This activity invites the participants to consider and reflect on the following question, share their thoughts with their breakout group and then return to the main session for a broader discussion of what each group considered in their breakout room.

  • What skills and competences do you feel are essential to working effectively with people from other groups and cultures?

 Facilitator tips:

Facilitators will want to have reflected on this question in advance and made their own list of competencies based on their personal experiences working with people from other cultures.


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Transcultural Communications Copyright © 2024 by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.