
Session 1, Slides 26-29

Activity 6: Participatory Discussion – Hofestade’s Cultural Dimensions (slides 26-27)

Time: 15 minutes

Measurable objective:

Participants develop an understanding of how the cultural dimensions may be another tool to utilize in becoming competent in communicating with people from other cultures.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:  

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

 Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda


Slide 26: The Facilitator provides a brief review of Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory, highlighting how each culture is on the scale, not just high or low, and also that each individual in a culture may vary from the overall cultural rank.

Slide 27: The Facilitator will guide an open discussion on interpreting the variations in the Cultural Dimensions between the cultures displayed.

Facilitator tips:

The facilitator(s) will be far more effective in leading this conversation if they spend time in advance reviewing Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory.

Activity 7: Video Viewing and Breakout Room Discussion (Slide 28)

Time: 15 minutes

Measurable objective:

This activity will enable workshop participants to apply Hofestede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to a real world situation.

Materials needed – Online Specific:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)




This activity invites the participants to consider and reflect on the following questions, share their thoughts with their breakout group and then return to the main session for a broader conversation around what each group discussed in their breakout room.

  1. Describe what happened and how each person felt.
  2. How did you feel as you watched the interaction?

Final session group discussion topic:

  • What do you see as the limits to Hofstede Theory, as it relates to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in today’s world?

Facilitator tips:

Facilitators will want to have watched the video in advance and reflected on the questions and recorded their responses to the interactions, to share if they seem relevant to the participants.

Wrap UP (slide 29)

Time: 10 minutes

Measurable objective:

Share participant’s reflections and feedback on Session 1 of the workshop.

F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:  

  • Projector and screen or slide handouts.
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda
  • URL Links for videos

Online Facilitation – Material needed:

  • Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
  • Day 1 Session Slides
  • Session 1 Agenda


The facilitator(s) will open the floor for participant feedback. It is imperative to reassure the participants that the content is constantly under review and their feedback is key to that process.

The next step is to review the between session experiential exercise for participants, and address any questions.

Lastly, remind the participants to complete the feedback questionnaire, if the facilitator(s) are using one.

Facilitator tips:

A feedback questionnaire is highly recommended so that the facilitator(s) may make adjustments/improvements for future offering of the Transcultural Communications workshop.

It is also recommended that the facilitator(s) hold their own reflection and review of the workshop within a few days.  It will be important to take note of any possible feedback/edits/additions/deletions to the prior workshop for future delivery.

The facilitator(s) will share the link to the pre-session material for Session 2 of the Transcultural Communications workshop, as well as the link to the feedback survey.




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Transcultural Communications Copyright © 2024 by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.