Session 1, Slides 15-20
Racism/Prejudice Comments (slide 15 & 16)
Time: 10 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the level of racism and prejudice that is experienced by particular groups, and understand patterns of this racism/prejudice within Canada.
F2F Facilitation Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
These slides highlight the percentage of racism and prejudice comments that particular groups experience from social media and face-to-face interactions. It will be valuable to point out, although not completely surprising, that the experience of racism/prejudice is higher on social media than from in-person interactions.
Facilitator tips:
The current slides date from prior to 2019. It will be advisable for the facilitators to seek the most current information from the same source or, if not available, from other sources.
Microaggression (slide 17)
Time: 5 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will come away with an understanding of what microaggression is; how, over time, it impacts those targeted, and an awareness of the underlying biases, stereotypes and prejudices that fuel these behaviours. They will also understand that these biases, stereotypes and prejudices may be conscious or unconscious.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
The first step is to ensure that the participants understand what constitutes a microaggression. According to Merriam-Webster, “microaggression is a comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group (such as a racial minority).” It will be a valuable discussion to ask the participants whether any of them have been on the receiving end of microaggressions, and if so, to describe them.
Facilitator Tip:
Suggestion to have a break, approximately 15 minutes, before the next slide and the follow up discussion.
Microaggression Examples (slides 18 & 19)
Time: 5 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will gain a more in-depth understanding of microaggressions and their forms as they review these two slides with the facilitator.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
Review the two slides with the participants and ask them how many have heard and/or experienced these type of comments being directed towards them, and how did they feel.
Facilitator tips:
Depending on the audience, the facilitator(s) may wish to add unique comments that this group may have experienced.
Bias – Iceberg Analogy (slide 20)
Time: 5 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will come to understand that only a small portion of racist/prejudice behaviour is easily identifiable, or explicit. A great deal more is implicit and often not overtly acted upon in a manner that others may directly observe.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 1 Session Slides
- Session 1 Agenda
Description: Slide 20: After reviewing the message that the slide presents, the facilitator(s) will work with the group to identify what types of behaviours and/or actions they would identify as being explicit or implicit.
Facilitator tips:
The facilitator(s) should ensure that they have examples of both explicit and implicit behaviours readily on hand to share with participants; these may vary depending on the audience.