
Delivery Options

This workshop can be delivered in face-to-face (F2F) or remote (online) formats. Details on how to adapt the workshop for different formats can be found in the facilitator notes in the slide deck and in the activity descriptions in this guide.


In most instances, delivering this training in person is preferable. In-person delivery generally provides a greater opportunity for connection and relationship building between facilitator and participants, and between participants, and more opportunities for facilitators to confirm for knowledge building.


Advantages for remote delivery include convenience of attendance, larger audience reach, and lower facility costs. This workshop is designed to be delivered synchronously; that is happening at the same time for all participants.

There are opportunities to adapt the workshop for different audiences by using different examples and scenarios. For instance, training for administrators and employees will need to consider situational power and their roles and responsibilities in terms of Transcultural Communication in the workplace.

It is suggested that the workshop will be between 300-360 minutes over two sessions, with 360 minutes being an ideal time frame to allow for both content delivery and experiential learning. There are brief pre-session activity slides available. These were designed/selected to improve the participants’ experience and comfort level with the workshop materials. These pre-session activities help prepare the participants for deeper group discussion. None of the material is difficult to understand or overly time consuming.

There are multiple opportunities to connect content found in this workshop to other training on communication. For example, conversations about cultural differences can be linked to respectful communication skills in the workplace. This training can also be included as part of the curriculum for various programs, such as manager and leadership development.


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Transcultural Communications Copyright © 2024 by Southern Alberta Institute of Technology is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.