Session 2, Slides 16-22
Relational Agility (slide 16)
Time: 7 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will embrace the ability to hold one’s perspective at risk of being changed in relationship with those of others.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
The facilitator(s) will highlight that after having looked inward to examine your whole, participants must develop relational agility. This pertains to a participant’s flexibility and agility in communicating with others while critically reflecting on their own biases, their assumptions (the things you take for granted), and your frameworks (how they grew to understand the world around them). They must then acknowledge that there are other possibilities of how others understand the world around them.
Possessing relational agility proposes that even though a participant has their own biases, assumptions and frameworks, they are open to contemplate other possibilities and even embrace them.
Facilitator tips:
It is recommended that the facilitator(s) prepare examples in advance of how they have increased their relational agility. This will assist in having the participants feel more comfortable and to initiate the conversation.
Negotiating Cognitive Bias (slide 17)
Time: 7 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will become familiar with applying the SEEDS model as a tool to assist them in overcoming cognitive bias in their workplace.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
The facilitator(s) will highlight how the items indicated impact our thinking and decision making, even when we are not aware they are at work. This emphasizes that the best way to combat individual biases is through team-based practices and establishing policies. Given that an individual is going to be less likely to recognize their own subconscious thinking errors, building these sort of safety nets into organizational structures is the best way to avoid the negative effects of cognitive bias.
One suggestion to inspire discussion is to ask the participants how they feel that a system or processes may be put in place to avoid pitfalls?
Facilitator tips:
No additional tips
Mitigating Strategies (slide 18 – 22)
Time: 3 minutes/slide > 18 minutes
Measurable objective:
Participants will become aware of specific strategies to employ to mitigate bias in decisions being made in the workplace.
F2F Facilitation – Materials needed:
- Projector and screen or slide handouts.
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
Online Facilitation – Material needed:
- Remote meeting software with share screen, chat and breakout room capability (Zoom, Teams, etc.)
- Day 2 Session Slides
- Session 2 Agenda
- URL Links for videos
The facilitator(s) will review each of the slides and the mitigating strategy that may be applied to overcome cognitive bias. An explanation of the mitigating strategy for each bias is included in the slide notes for each slide.
Facilitator tips:
It is recommended that the facilitator(s) ask the participants for any other mitigating strategies that they may have to offer for each step.